A “net social amount” on pay slips to facilitate the process

by time news

Next step, by 2024, the funds will send, on the basis of this net social amount, a pre-filled form to potential recipients of social assistance. Charnchai saeheng / stock.adobe.com

According to a report published in June 2021 by Secours Catholique, around a third of people eligible for the RSA do not receive it.

From July 1, pay slips must include a new statement, the “montant net social“, corresponding to the resources that users must declare to assess their rights to certain social benefits, announced Tuesday the government which thus intends to simplify the procedures and fight against the “non-appeal».

It is “better inform employees of the resources taken into account for the calculation of their rights and simplify or delete certain information that is not useful to them“, underlined in a press release the ministers responsible for Labor, Health, Solidarity and Public Accounts, Olivier Dussopt, François Braun, Jean-Christophe Combe and Gabriel Attal.

“clear information”

«For the first time, the French who need it will see each month on their payslip the exact amount to declare to request the RSA or the activity bonus.“, observed Jean-Christophe Combe, for whom”in difficult times (…), it’s clear information and simple tools that we need“. This reformwill simplify the procedures for recipients who until now had to calculate the net income to be declared themselves“, underlined the government. “It will reduce the risk of error in the declarations of resources and therefore the undue or the reminders of benefits, sources of financial insecurity for the recipients“, he added.

The «montant net social» is part of the project of «solidarity at the source», by which the government hopes to fight against the non-use of social benefits. Next step, by 2024, the funds will send, on the basis of this net social amount, a pre-filled form to potential recipients of social assistance.

As part of the same project, the government will launch a call for projects by March for the experimentation of “zero non-recourse territories»: local projects already engaged in the fight against non-use may be selected and tested on a larger scale, for three years, before a possible generalization. According to a report published in June 2021 by Secours Catholique, around a third of people eligible for the RSA do not receive it, and a quarter of those eligible for family allowances.

SEE ALSO – RSA: Bruno Le Maire finds it “cowardly” not to ask for work or training in return

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