José Ruales participated in the act Dr. Honoris Causa to Rodrigo Fierro Benítez, prominent Ecuadorian doctor – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

Quito, February 7, 2023

José Ruales, Minister of Public Health, participated as a national health authority in the act of inauguration of Dr. Honoris Causa to Rodrigo Fierro Benítez, a renowned Ecuadorian doctor, who received the distinction of the Superior Council of the University of Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia. The event took place at the Central University of Ecuador.

Rodrigo Fierro Benítez was born in Ambato in 1930. He began his medical studies at the Central University of Ecuador and obtained a scholarship from the Institute of Hispanic Culture. He completed his medical studies at the University of Madrid and later specialized in the United States, Spain, Italy, and Canada.

He was Minister of Health in the government of Jaime Roldós and during his professional life he has made contributions to science, academia and public health. In his speech, he recounted his career. “I have been a lucky man and I have had the virtue that people recognize the efforts to achieve such high achievements”, he pointed out.

José Ruales, for his part, highlighted that “it is an honor to participate in this well-deserved recognition of Rodrigo Fierro, a doctor and researcher with the soul of a health professional; his fight against mediocrity has allowed for leadership in public health. Today we recognize his convictions and teaching, scientific and humanist career.

To end his speech, José Ruales expressed his congratulations to Rodrigo Fierro Benítez. “We join the celebration of Honoris Causa and with this we commit to continue working against diseases and health inequalities in Ecuador.”


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