why the actions of the strikers do not cause power cuts

by time news

By reducing national electricity production, the strikers push for imports. STEPHANE MAHE / REUTERS

On each day of mobilization against the pension reform, the unions announce “load reductions at EDF”. What is it about ?

Drop in load, reduction in electricity production… but no consequences on the daily life of the French. The CGT announced a drop in production of 4,500 MW between Monday and Tuesday, the equivalent of more than four nuclear reactors.without causing cuts“. The mode of action of the strikers opposed to the pension reform is well established, but what is it if it has no impact on customers?

With these actions, the strikers want to touch EDF – and by extension the State in the portfolio. The mechanism is relatively simple. By reducing national electricity production, the mobilized employees are forcing the group to import the energy it lacks to meet the demand of its customers. However, the current market prices being still higher than the average production cost of the electron for EDF, the company loses out of the operation. In short, EDF is forced to buy at a rate higher than its sale price part of the electricity that it resells to its customers or to alternative suppliers.

«The impact on the economy, trade and markets is in the tens of millions of euros“claims the CGT in a leaflet. And this, without the end consumer being impacted. The intersyndicale thus seeks to preserve its image. In energy, the line of action since the start of this protest movement has also aimed to favor actions “Robin Hood“. Rather than shutting off the power, agents will make access free for a few hours for targeted subscribers.

SEE ALSO – Strikes: the CGT Cheminot wants to “increase production stoppages”

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