The man arrested for the sexist crime in Baiona faces up to 22 years in prison for aggravating the fact that he killed his ex-wife in front of their children

by time news

A flower in the access to the Baiona house where the crime was committed on Sunday night. JOHN CARLOS GIL

Ángel Rodríguez goes to court today while the search for the murder weapon continues

08 feb 2023 . Updated at 05:00 h.

It was more than a murder because he did it in the presence of his own children, ages 9 and 7. The alleged author of Baiona macho crime He must also pay for it, say criminal lawyers consulted by La Voz. Because he not only committed a murder, but also an alleged crime of attacking the moral integrity of his children. That’s why, Angel Rodriguez da Costa, 47, may face more than his fair share of punishment for committing the murder if he is ultimately convicted. This substitute mathematics teacher at a Redondela institute could end up being sentenced to between 15 and 22 years in prison for the death of his ex-wife.

The Judicial Police of the Civil Guard are still looking for the murder weapon, a machete with which he caused the fatal trauma and which could have been detached at any point during his escape until it was finally turned in at the Ourense National Police station. . The discovery of the murder weapon is important to continue collecting incriminating evidence, although for the investigators it is already a closed case due to the overwhelming signs of guilt: the hasty way in which he left his children at the grandparents’ house, his escape by car, the bloodstains that gave him away, the intention to commit suicide that did not materialize or the fact that he turned himself in to the forces of order hours later. What is unknown is the reason why he traveled to Ourense.

The detainee continued yesterday in the cells of the Command of the Civil Guard of Pontevedra, but today it is expected that he will go to court. The Benemérita will take him handcuffed in a van to sit him in front of the head of the Court of Violence against Women of Vigo, which will instruct the case. In all probability, the magistrate will decree her entry into pretrial detention while the judicial investigation is carried out.

An orphan from sexist violence after the crime in Baiona: “The response to minors has to be perfect”

joshua alonso mateo

The shock of this cruel murder continues on the street. The signs of pain and anger for a new sexist crime continue to be repeated. The Galician Parliament observed a minute of silence yesterday. The Council of Baiona has decreed three days of mourning. In the municipalities of the Vigo area, rallies of revulsion and support for the victims and their families have been called. Half a hundred people gathered yesterday before the City Council of Nigrán to observe another minute of silence in memory of Beatriz Lijo. “It is a memory of the victim and a show of affection for the relatives,” said the Councilor for Equality, Patricia Diego, who advocated continuing to work on the education of the new generations, “who are the hope that this can change.” , he claimed. In Vigo there will be a concentration at eight this afternoon in front of the Marco museum.

The relatives of the victim and the executioner cannot explain how Beatriz’s ex-partner could have committed such a monstrosity. People close to the victim knew that Beatriz was concerned about the hostile attitude of her ex-husband. She had told that she feared that one day she might end her life. However, there were no previous complaints that could have alerted the security forces. The victim’s body was taken to the Nicolás Peña Hospital in Vigo for an autopsy. This is the eighth victim of gender violence this year in Spain and the number 1,190 since 2003. And the number of orphaned minors for this cause rises to 12 this year and 390 (18 in Galicia) since that year.

The alleged murderer of Baiona, a teacher who had returned to his town in the footsteps of his ex-wife

javier romero

The crime was committed around nine o’clock this Sunday night in the house where the woman lived, in Camiño do Rolán, in the A Percibilleira neighborhood. The man appeared at the house to return his children and, in front of them, attacked her ex-partner, giving her a strong blow to the head that caused her death. He then left the children at the grandparents’ house in Sabarís and fled.

Helpline against sexist violence: 016

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