The most expensive medical universities in Mexico

by time news
  • To study Medicine, young people must choose between doing it in a public or private school, and each option offers both advantages and disadvantages.
  • Studying at the school that tops the list of the most expensive universities in Mexico implies an average payment of 125,000 pesos per semester.
  • Beyond the facilities of public and private schools, do you think there are differences between the study plans of each one?

To fulfill the dream of being a doctor, it is necessary to go through a wide variety of obstacles. The most common thing is to talk about the demands of the teachers, the sleepless nights to study and the rotations through the hospitals. All of the above is true but it is also necessary to talk about another very important item and that is the economy. Do you know how much it costs to study in the most expensive universities in Mexico?

In this case, after making the determination to focus on Medicine, all young people must choose the school in which they wish to study. The first division is that there is public and private education and between the two there are many differences that go beyond the study plans.

The positive and negative aspects of public schools

With respect to public universities, their main advantage is that they are accessible to most families. Tuition fees are minimal and the majority of the population can cover this requirement.

In fact, there are options like the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) where each student can choose what they want to contribute each semester. And there is also the University of Health that is completely free and even offers scholarships to all students.

For his part, The biggest problem with public schools is that you have to take an admission exam because they are in high demand. In the end, very few get a place and that causes thousands of people to be rejected every year.

What are the most expensive medical universities in Mexico?

While a second alternative is to study in private universities. The filter to enter is not so demanding but there is another big problem and that is the economic aspect. In all cases it is necessary to pay tuition and sometimes the figure can exceed 100 thousand pesos per semester.

With this in mind, Líder Empresarial magazine carried out an analysis to identify the most expensive private universities in the country. The first places are the following.

  • Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Studies – 125 thousand pesos per semester
  • University of Monterrey – 122 thousand pesos per semester
  • Anahuac University – 116 thousand pesos per semester
  • Panamerican University – 107 thousand pesos per semester

In the case of TEC de Monterrey It is striking that in recent years it has positioned itself as one of the best schools to study Medicine in the country. Its facilities have top-level technology and it also has agreements with schools in other countries.

Another of its attractions is that in the latest editions of the National Examination for Applicants for Medical Residency (ENARM) it has placed itself in the top positions within the schools with the most students who obtain a place to study a specialty. In fact, the first place is always disputed with the Universidad Panamericana.

One clarification is that in the ranking also appears the Ibeoamerican University but within its enrollment it does not offer the Medicine degree. In fact, within the Health Sciences it only offers the Bachelor of Nutrition and Food Science.

And in your case, are you a graduate of one of the most expensive universities in Mexico?


How much does it cost to study at one of the most expensive universities in the country? ????????????????????‍????????????‍???? #leaderempresarial #sabiasquetiktok #sabiasque #mexico #mexico???????? #universidad #universidades #university #universidadesmexico #universidadesmascaras #itesm #itesmcampusmty #tecdemonterrey #tecdemty #tecnologicodemonterrey #monterrey #monterrey universidadianahuac #anahuac #anahuacmexico #universidadiberoamerica #universidadibero #iberomexicana #universidadpanamericana #up #ibero #upmexico #estudiantes #universitario #universitarios #educacionsuperior

♬ Magical (Instrumental) – BLVKSHP

Also read:

The best public and private medical schools in Mexico

The 17 best universities, public and private, to study Medicine in Mexico

The 5 universities with the highest scores in the ENARM

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