” Denier? Take a tour of Brazilian hospitals ”

by time news

I do not understand how Miguel Bosé could have issued statements where he denies the existence of Covid. I I’d send him for a ride to hospitals in Brazil where even children are dying and where there are intubated people who are suffering ”. So Cristiano Malgioglo at time.news attacks Miguel Bosé after his statements released to a Spanish TV where he denies the existence of Covid. “I was really shocked by his words – continues – a public figure who says those things on television it gives a negative and unacceptable message especially for young people. It did enormous damage. ISa boy, handsome, rich and intelligent – he remembers – we dated in the 80s, how did he fall into such a dissolute life only for a disappointment of love? ” ‘. M
algioglio also talks about the interview that Bosé gave last Sunday to the famous Spanish conductor Jordi Evole, aired on the television station La Sexta, where the singer has increased the dose by claiming that he knows more than the scientists and that the virus is ” only a plot to subdue people and sell vaccines ”. “How do you say certain things? – asks Malgioglio – I lost two cousins ​​aged 52 and 58, I am stunned“.

Instead, I wanted to send an important message by vaccinating myself with Astrazeneca. During the day not I had no symptoms, just a fever the next day – continues Malgioglio – but then no side effects. I wanted to shoot a video that I posted on Instagram four days after getting the vaccine to show people that I was fine and to tell everyone to get any vaccine, also Astrazeneca who brought England out of the pandemic. By now we have forgotten what it means to hug, kiss and even make love – says the songwriter – the sooner we all vaccinate and the sooner we will return to normal. I never use drugs but I believe in science and if they tell me to get vaccinated I do. As soon as I have done the second dose of Astrazeneca I will run to hug my sister and my grandchildren whom I have not seen for over a year. and who live in Sicily ”, he concludes moved.

(at Alisa Toaff)

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