Evangelical jurists are against ‘sex change’ in children

by time news

As much as expert alerts, qualified health professionals to deal with the subject are issued, gender ideology continues to advance and produce disastrous effects on society. Aiming to counter this flow, the National Association of Evangelical Jurists (ANAJURE) of Brazil decided to take a stand.

In a note issued by the organization, considered the most important in Latin America, the jurists highlight an article on the G1 portal that had a strong impact in recent days, where it is said that 100 children in the 4 to 12 age group, in addition to 180 teenagers ages 13 to 17 are undergoing so-called hormone “therapy” for individuals who identify as transgender.

The evangelical jurists of ANAJURE cite resolutions in force in the national territory, such as that of the Federal Council of Medicine, which prohibits drastic interventions in minors.

“Minors under 18 cannot undergo gender-affirming surgical procedures (art. 11). Hormone therapy, in turn, is only available for those over 16 years of age (article 9). There is also the practice of hormonal blockade, which can be applied from puberty onwards, subject to the rules of research protocols approved by the CEP/Conep system due to its experimental nature (art. 9, § 2)”, informs the note.


Last week, elected federal deputy Mario Frias also reacted to the Brazilian scenario reported by the G1. Because of this, the parliamentarian presented a Bill with the objective of prohibiting the use of hormone blockers in minors.

“Within our legal framework, said legislation, there is no regulation on this type of medical practice, and this is opportune, because without an impeding law, such ‘treatments’ are endorsed by ‘medical autonomy’, an extremely subjective concept”, says an excerpt of the bill

An aspect of great concern on the part of families and health specialists concerns the media promotion of the topic, which may be favoring the increase in the number of “trans children” being identified around the world. To learn more, read:

Deputy Mario Frias proposes bill to ban hormone blockers in ‘trans children’

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