5 out of 1,000 people will visit a doctor for tinnitus in 2021

by time news

In 2021, about 5 in 1000 people visited the GP with complaints about ringing in the ears (tinnitus). These were slightly more men than women. One third of them were referred to second-line care, such as the ear-nose-throat (ENT) doctor. This has emerged from research by Nivel, the research institute reports.

Tinnitus is characterized by hearing a sound that is not actually there. On the occasion of the Week of Tinnitus (6 to 12 February 2023), Nivel investigated what the care use for tinnitus in general practice actually is.

Men and people over 50

Mainly men (52 percent) and the elderly over 50 years of age visited the general practice for tinnitus. 13.9 percent of men aged between 40 and 49 visited their GP, and 14.2 percent of women in that age group. In the 30-39 age group, too, more women than men went to their GP with complaints related to tinnitus.

By: National Care Guide
Source: Nivel, https://www.nivel.nl/nl/nieuws/week-van-oorsuizen-5-op-de-1000-mensen-bezoekt-huisarts-voor-oorsuizen-2021, consulted on 08-02- 2023

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