The Armed Forces of the Bolsonaro government did not act on Yanomami land seven times – 02/07/2023 – Brazil

by time news

During the administration of Jair Bolsonaro, the Armed Forces stopped acting in the fight against illegal mining in the Yanomami Indigenous Land or had insufficient action on at least seven occasions, which weakened police operations and contributed to the expansion of the activity criminal in the territory.

In 2022, the last year of the government of the now former president, it was when the boom of more than 20,000 invading miners took place.

Sheet He interviewed sources directly involved in the work to demobilize the gold prospectors, consulted documents sent to the Federal Supreme Court and the Federal Public Ministry, and analyzed judicial decisions.

This made it possible to identify at least seven situations of military participation that, in the end, favored the permanence of illegal mining on Yanomami Land.


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