3 Capital hires a former Hines and Savills executive as head of investments and operations — idealista/news

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The new year brings with it new signings to the main consultancies in Spain. 3 Capital has just signed Marc López, former director of Hines, Savills and Solvia, as a new partner responsible for Investments (CIO) and Operations (COO), as explained by the consultant to idealista/news. The manager “He will provide a key business vision, leading with his experience and vision the investment strategy and the management of the company’s value-added operations”, they say from the group.

Marc Lopeza Civil Engineer from the UPC and a Master of Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, held the position of CEO at OUA until the end of 2022 and for six years, a hub specializing in urban planning, architecture and asset management.

Previously, he held management positions in real estate development and promotion firms (Hines), real estate servicers (Solvia) or capital markets agencies (Savills). Likewise, he was CEO and co-founder of the proptech Lupafy, a generator of off-market real estate opportunities. This trajectory has allowed him to win a Extensive knowledge of the real estate business from multiple and varied perspectives.

His new professional project leads him to integrate as partner responsible for Investments (CIO) and Operations (COO) at 3 Capital Real Estate, promoter, adviser and manager of investment vehicles. López will focus her activity on provide added value to the capital markets division and in structure investments for third parties, with the firm’s own co-investment in high-return projects, aligning interests with our clients and partners. He will share his work with the four founding partners: Tomàs-Marc García Permanyer (CEO), Roger Serrallonga (CFO), César Moneo (director of the Madrid office) and Juan Gallardo (CMO).

“In a complex macroeconomic environment with the increase in financing costs, construction costs and with the corresponding economic slowdown, the real estate sector is already discounting 2023 with a lower volume of transactions and a start of price correction. However, it is also an opportunity to put the product and the final customer back at the center of the real estate equation, understanding that almost free financing has largely distorted certain investment rationales”, the consultant explains.

The division led by López will be structured into two lines: investment and operations. The first will focus on providing structuring services for value added investment operations. For the second, the objective is to be able to provide a 360o approach in capital markets activities for various types of assets (buildings, land, assets under transformation, etc.) where a technical, alternative and global vision is necessary to maximize its value.

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