French MPs ready to agree to legislate on the practices of influencers

by time news

“Create a bubble of peace” within a Hemicycle immersed in the examination, already chaotic, of the pension reform, according to the expression of the deputy of the French people living abroad Stéphane Vojetta (Renaissance).

Thursday, February 9, on the occasion of the parliamentary niche of the Socialist Party (PS) – during which the group has control of the agenda from 9 a.m. to midnight – parliamentarians will examine a bill brought by Calvados deputy Arthur Delaporte on a subject that is now a consensus in the National Assembly: defining and supervising the activity of influencers, but also fighting against the abuses of the advertising practices of these social network celebrities, at the time when victims are organizing to file a complaint against fraudulent advertising or financial scams.

Read also: A complaint filed against influencers for fraud and breach of trust

If this text is the first to be examined in public session, no less than three other bills pursuing the same objective, from the ranks of ecologists and “rebellious”, have been tabled in recent weeks, proof of the growing interest of elected officials. for questions that affect a public that is usually remote from parliamentary proceedings.

Legitimate concerns

“It’s a phenomenon that has exploded into the light of day recently and which has made it possible to realize the extent of scams. So many of us said to ourselves that something had to be done quickly”, explains the ecologist Aurélien Taché, deputy of Val-d’Oise, author of the first bill on this subject after being contacted by victims in his constituency. Same story on the side of Nadège Abomangoli (La France insoumise-Nupes), elected from Seine-Saint-Denis:

“People came to talk to me about this subject a lot during my campaign, especially on cases of online betting and trading. It’s not just about the younger ones; there is a lot of expectation on the part of our constituents on this subject. »

The deputy of Calvados Arthur Delaporte is still surprised at the extent taken on social networks by one of his interventions on the subject, at the Palais-Bourbon, at the beginning of October 2022. Shared by the singer Booba, who has become a figure in the fight against the practices of influencers, the video “had 300,000 views, we changed dimension. We spoke to people who had the impression that the National Assembly was a place where we did not talk about their legitimate concern ”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Booba’s virtual and legal vendetta against influencer Magali Berdah

In the process, the 31-year-old elected official set about writing a bill, with a single article, to create a legal status for the influencer. Adopted by the Economic Affairs Committee of the National Assembly on 1is February, it prohibits the promotion on social networks of “pharmaceuticals, medical devices and surgical procedures” as well as that “investments or financial investments”. It also intends to force influencers to systematically report that “sports predictions”THE “money games” where the “registration for vocational training” are “reserved for adults”. “By saying what to do or not to do, we empower the entire ecosystemexplains the deputy. And we protect the first victims of influencers, who are often people in precarious situations. »

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