10 exhibitions worth seeing on the weekend, because a distraction won’t hurt you (and us too)

by time news

1. Warm Blood // A place for art

A group exhibition (curator: Yonatan Ullman) that sheds layer after layer of a protective white shell – closeness and intimacy, love and dream. From the inside, the red, pulsating and terrifying heart of the work was revealed.
A place for art, 6 Shivil Hamertz, opening on Thursday (9.2) 20:00

Orit Tuchman, a place for art

2. Cuckoo // Hazi Cohen Gallery

A solo exhibition for the artist in which he will present about 15 oil paintings on wood depicting heavenly snowy landscapes. In addition, an installation work will be displayed in the gallery window facing the street.
Hazi Cohen Gallery, Lilienbloom 33, opening on Thursday (9.2) 19:00

Ron Chen, Hazi Cohen Gallery

Ron Chen, Hazi Cohen Gallery

3. Tangle // Gallery B.Y5

A solo exhibition for the artist Esti Drori Hayut who explores the forest as the place where she begins her journey – a journey whose roots lie in reading fairy tales as a child.
B.Y5 Gallery, Bar Yohai 5, opening on Thursday (9.2) 7:00 p.m.

Esti Drori animals, gallery BY5

Esti Drori animals, gallery BY5

4. The sales exhibition for the Levinsky Kindergarten Library

It is held online only, but like every year it is an opportunity to purchase a work (or works, if you are in a congratulatory mood) at an equal price (all works are sold at a uniform price of NIS 1,800), and also to donate to a worthy cause along the way.
Until Tuesday night, on the website

Dewi Barel, fundraiser sale for the Levinsky Garden Library

Dewi Barel, fundraiser sale for the Levinsky Garden Library

5. Daily preservation // Beit Habar

A solo exhibition by the artist Leticia Bollo presenting a suspended installation dealing with bipolar states of matter and spirit, deceptive memories, fragments of light and emulsion.
Beit HaBaer, ​​Selma Road 6, opening on Thursday (9.2) 20:00

Leticia Bollo, Beit Habar

Leticia Bollo, Beit Habar

6. Bezair Anpin // Nolovez Gallery

A pop-up exhibition for three days only, in which old and new members of the gallery will present small-sized works, as a tribute to small businesses in its vicinity (Levinsky market area).
Nolovez Gallery, Zebulon 19, opening on Thursday (9.2) 20:00

Adva Drori, Nolovez Gallery

Adva Drori, Nolovez Gallery

7. Doomsday Selfies // The Art Space at Frishman 46

A solo exhibition for the artist, designer and writer Yossi Waxman, who created a satire on the human race in the age of social networks, but one that also tries to maintain a dialogue with eternity, with the basic fears, with the passions and hatreds of all of us.
The art space at Frishman 46, opening on Thursday (9.2) 20:00

Yossi Waxman, doomsday selfies

Yossi Waxman, doomsday selfies

8. What a fear // The Man and Animal Museum, Ramat Gan

A group exhibition of the students from the Department of Visual Communication at the Witzo Haifa Academic Center who created works on the subject of fear, which takes many different forms.
Man and Animal Museum, Ramat Gan National Park

Avishai Shavit, Museum of Man and Animals

Avishai Shavit, Museum of Man and Animals

9. Derech Or Rekh // Hanina Gallery

Launch of Shiral Safra’s artist book. In the book are short texts and series of paintings, created from the artist’s personal dialogue with travel and wonder books.
Hanina Gallery, 5 March Trail, Thursday (9.2) 8:00 p.m

Detail from Shiral Safra's book

Detail from Shiral Safra’s book

out of town

10. New exhibition season // Haifa Museum

The biggest event is happening this coming weekend precisely in Haifa, where a new series of museum exhibitions will open: the group exhibition “Essential Indicators”; solo exhibitions by Cohen Cohen and Langa Yudkovic-Etzioni; and projects of the greenhouse, a place for art – a joint project by Shahar Sivan and Roy Cohen and another project by Tamar miracles
Haifa Museum of Art, Shabtai Levy 26, opening on Thursday (9.2) 19:00

Chen Cohen, Haifa Museum

Chen Cohen, Haifa Museum

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