«Innovation Village award», the awards for technologies that help sustainable development

by time news

twelve o’clock, April 20, 2021 – 9:22 pm

To the best projects awards for 55 thousand euros to develop the ideas presented. On 6 and 7 May two days of in-depth analysis

Rewarding technologies that can bring a benefit in terms of sustainable development and that are attributable to the 17 objectives of the UN Agenda 2030: this is the goal of the “Innovation Village Award 2021”, the annual award which, within the Innovation Village network , intends to enhance the experiences of sustainable innovation carried out in the Italian territory. Innovators, professionals, makers, researchers, associations and foundations, startups and spinoffs, SMEs and social enterprises can participate free of charge by filling out the form on the official website of the event: «www.innovationvillage.it/iv-award/». The projects will be evaluated by a jury made up of experts: the best for each of the 7 thematic areas provided will access the final on 7 October 2021, at the end of which the winners will be decreed.

The contest

The call to participate is already open, it will close on 30 June and will be presented on 6 May (9.30) as part of the first stage of «IV 2021». In addition, on 6 and 7 May, moments of in-depth study of the individual “challenges” launched by the various partners are expected. Now in its third edition, the IV Award is established and supported by Knowledge for Business with ASviS, the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development; ENEA, National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development and avails itself of the collaboration of the seven Campanian universities: Federico II, L’Orientale, Parthenope, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Suor Orsola Benincasa, University of Salerno and University of Sannio.

I premi

Each participant can submit only one project. Up for grabs, a total of 55 thousand euros including cash prizes, services and facilities to develop the innovations presented, made available by the partners and divided as follows:
– First place IV Award 2021, 5,000 euros in cash;
– Federica Web Learning Awards for Digital Education: 6 cash prizes for a total value of 19,000 euros for Didactic Innovation in the field of Learning Technologies and Learning Analytics;
– Mario Diana Foundation Award on the circular economy: 5,000 euros in cash plus a 12-month empowerment path, with the possibility of using the infrastructures of the Corporate Partners (Mario Diana Foundation, Erreplast, Sri, E-Circular, Esco Campania) located in ‘industrial area of ​​Aversa Nord and to receive mentoring and support in the development of the project;
– Invitalia social economy awards: two prizes of 5,000 euros each in support services, skills enhancement and development of the entrepreneurial project with experts made available by Invitalia;
– Materias Award: 3000 euros in cash and a 3-month acceleration program, with specialized services for the growth and enhancement of technology;
– Opus Automazione Prize: 3,000 euros in cash;
– Stress Scarl Prize: 3,000 euros in cash plus an acceleration program with specialized services for the growth and enhancement of technology;
– Ceinge-Biotechnology Award: 3,000 euros in Ceinge services and facilities;
– TecUp Award: 3,000 euros in consultancy and support services to verify the project, development opportunities and innovative needs with technological experts and TecUp staff.

The mentions

There are also some mentions:
– Special mention of the Order of Engineers of Naples: 2 vouchers of 250 euros for participation in training and refresher courses organized by the Order (reserved for members of the Order);
– Innovup special mention worth Euro 450, with one year of free membership in the Network for 3 startups / scaleups, with the possibility of accessing agreements and consulting services;
– Special mention to | cube for the best companies with a social impact. a | cube will provide assistance in the preparation of an investor deck, in the identification of financing opportunities and contributions and will preliminarily present the project to the Avanzi Etica Sicaf EuVECA Spa investment fund of which it is advisor;
– Special mention Best Practices Award Confindustria Salerno reserved to 3 startups or companies for free access to the final phase of the next Best Practices Award;
– Sellalab special mention for innovative business projects. The aforementioned will have the right to a coworking station for 3 months in one of the Sellalab spaces (Salerno, Lecce, Biella, Padua) and access to an incubation course lasting 3 months managed by dPixel srl

April 20, 2021 | 21:22

© Time.News

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