Economists denounce the fiscal pressure in Catalonia

by time news

again the debate fiscal. Los economists criticize the tax burden in Catalonia. They ensure that 34% weight of taxes on the economy as a whole it is only surpassed by the Balearic Islands and Cantabria.

Within the framework of the seventh tax day organized in Barcelona, ​​the College of Economists of Catalonia has proposed reduce the maximum and minimum marginal rates in the personal income tax rate and deflate it to “accommodate it to the evolution of the inflation“. They also claim to reduce the wealth tax and reconsider inheritance tax rebates.

Economists, who thus align themselves with Promotion of Workwhich will create a commission to analyze whether or not the Catalans pay too many taxes, affirm that the fiscal competitiveness of Catalonia “It is one of the worst among the autonomous communities“. And they remember that Catalonia is the first community in resources collected.

The dean of the college Carles Puig de Travand ensures that the proposed reduction in personal income tax has already been made by communities such as Madrid, Galicia or Andalusia. And he recalled the study of the Register of Tax Advisory Economists (REAF), ‘Panorama of regional and regional taxation 2022’, which states that the minimum rate in Catalonia is 20%, the highest after the Empty Country ( 23%), while in the Community of Madrid it is 18%. And it stands out that until 2022, the highest minimum marginal rate in Spain corresponded to Catalonia and that the maximum is the fifth highest, with 50%. In Madrid it is 45%. That of Catalonia exceeds the maximum rate of neighboring countries such as Germany (47.5%), Italy (47.2%) or the United Kingdom (45%).

The Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya recalls, in turn, that the collection of the Treasury at the state level last year reached the record level of more than 257,000 million euros, which means “more than 700 million euros a day and an increase of 15.1% compared to 2021. And the figure is explained, among other reasons, by the increase in inflationwhich allows an “automatic” increase in almost all tax revenues, from VAT to personal income tax through corporation tax.

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Another of his proposals is to reduce “or even delete” wealth tax and the one created by the State for fortunes of more than three million euros. The president of the association’s tax committee, Carme Jover, points out that “Spain is the only country in the European Union that has these taxes.”

For his part, the president of the General Council of Economists (CGE), Valentin Pichconsiders that “Catalonia’s own tax system, in which 15 taxes coexist (almost triple those in other communities), and to which state taxes must be added, make the global tax model that affects people and companies in Catalonia is very complex and scattered”. Pich also asks the parties to make proposals to a new regional financing modelexpired since 2014 “that is the basis for defining an efficient and competitive tax system at a global level”.

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