During the Bolsonaro administration, Funai received warnings from the UN about the Yanomami crisis

by time news
Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil

The complaint points out that three young indigenous people were killed by miners

It was not for lack of warning. During the last year of the Bolsonaro administration
of Funai ( National Foundation of Indigenous Peoples) received
between April and November 2022, a total of 36 alerts about the bad conditions faced by the Yanomami ethnic group
on their indigenous lands in the Amazon.

The allegations came from both the indigenous peoples, as well as international organizations, such as the UN, in addition to the Federal Public Ministry (MPF)

An emblematic case occurred on April 28. Three days after the death of a 12-year-old indigenous child, allegedly raped by miners, leaders sent a request for help to Funai.

The case triggered the alert of national and foreign entities that began to demand actions from the body.

Report published by the newspaper O GLOBO reveals an excerpt from the distress letter of an indigenous leader. The Hutukara Yanomami Association reported that:

“Across the territory, mining invades our lands, destroys our way of life, our gardens and generates hunger and violence. Our families are getting sick and dying from easily treatable illnesses. Our young people are dying from the violence of firearms brought in by prospectors. We want to live in peace”

Another appeal, this time made by an anonymous indigenous person said:

“Children in the Yanomami indigenous land are dying from symptoms of malaria and malnutrition, without even receiving medical treatment”

Following the allegations, the UN sent representatives to the region between May 22 and 26, 2022. The organization’s report was sent to the Federal Public Defender’s Office and also to Funai.

The UN classified the case as a “serious humanitarian and human rights crisis” and reports cases of alcohol and drug circulation and “sexual abuse against women and girls by miners”.

On September 14, the then federal deputy Joenia Wapichana, current president of Funai, filed a complaint about the death of six indigenous children in the regions of Xitei and Surucucus, located in the Yanomami Indigenous Land.

To the Federal Public Ministry she reported “lack of assistance to indigenous health in Roraima”. Two days later, the case was sent to Funai and the Federal Police.

On July 20 last year, the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office in Roraima classified the situation as serious. “The Yanomami TI’s food and nutritional surveillance indicators are alarming”.

The document, signed by the attorney general Alisson Margual, said at the time:

“Every 3 days a Yanomami child has to be removed to receive medium or high complexity care due to severe malnutrition, many of them dying”.

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