Infallible trick so that your clothes do not release lint when washing them (it will look like new!)

by time news

Known The best way to wash your clothes so that they do not release lint. One of the worst things that can happen to your sweater o favorite garmentit would have stained the be filled with fluff. Yes, it seems to be a real nightmare, but the good news is that there is an effective way for your clothes do not shed lint.

Why does fluff get on clothes?

Infallible trick so that your clothes do not release lint when washing them (it will look like new!). Photo iStock

Fabrics such as wool or cotton are more likely to fill up flufffor being natural fabrics. In contrast, synthetics like polyester or the nylon they won’t shed anything. At fluff they are known as pilling and the University of Catalonia points out that it is a defect that appears on the surface of the tissue.

are made tangled fiber balls that little by little damage the appearance of the garment. Those little balls are the origin of the migration of yarn fibers. They usually look gray, as the threads are mixed with dust and other fabrics.

How to make clothes do not shed lint

On the market there are different devices that help remove lint from clothing. adhesive rolls o special rakes that accumulate the fluff for you to throw away Although they do not completely remove the tissue balls in clothes. It is best to prevent from the beginning so as not to compromise the appearance of your clothes favourites. He considers that there are colors in which the pilling.

If you don’t want your clothes look unkempt, follow these simple tips.

4 Tricks so that clothes do not shed lint

to take care of your favorite clothesYou don’t need to spend a fortune. In addition to carrying out these tricks, it is important that you keep the wash machine or the place where you wash your clothes, so that dirt or dust does not stick to it.

Trick #1 Frozen clothes

Some clothes shed more lint than others, due to its composition. It is recommended that you are garments be washed separately on gentle cycle or by hand. put the clothes Freezer works too. place your clothes inside an airtight bag and put it in the freezer for 1 or 2 days. shake the garment when taking it out of the bag, so that all the fluff.

Trick #2 White vinegar

Vinegar is wonderful in and out of the kitchen. You can use it to clean your windows, to take care of your plants and much more. In the case of the clothesyou must do this so that it does not drop fluff.

Add 250 milliliters of vinegar to the washing machine. That will help not to know give off lint and the clothes It will be soft without the need to use any fabric softener.

Trick #3 Wet towel

Baby wipes can save your favorite clothes in a very simple way. Place 1 or 2 wipes in the washing machine, before putting all the clothes. Fill the machine with your garments and let it do its job. In it wash cycle the wipes will absorb fluff.

Trick #4 Baking soda

Like vinegar, it is a great home ally. In the case of your clothesserves to whiten it and to prevent annoying fluff from forming.

Add 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda to the detergent what will you use Stir well and add to your washing machine. You don’t need to use fabric softener at the end.

How to make towels lint-free

Infallible trick so that your clothes do not release lint when washing them (it will look like new!). Photo iStock

For prevent towels from releasing lint it is necessary to wash them before using them for the first time. Is better wash with cold waterbecause hot water will only open the fibras and they are released fluff.

When washing the towels, try not to dry them in the dryer, because the heat, in addition to open the fiberswill cause them to wear out and originate fluff. And most importantly, don’t wash the towels with other items of clothing; mixing different textiles will cause them to tangle.

In the case of the others garments:

– Put the garments backwards in the washing machine. If it gets stuck fluffit will stay inside.

– Separate the clothes by colors

– Do not wash longer than indicated clothes. Try to use the appropriate cycle in each one so as not to damage the garments of more delicate fabrics.

What rag does not release lint

Las egyptian cotton garmentslos microfiber clothslas bamboo towels and the Double Carbo Thread Towels are the ones that release less or none fluff.

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It’s important to know how to wash clothes so they don’t shed lint. The more we take care of our clothes. we can take advantage of them for a longer time.

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