Construction of the new Reus-Bellissens station

by time news


The General Secretary for Infrastructures of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, Xavier Flores, has presented the new infrastructure project in Reus, which includes a passenger building, the urbanization of the surroundings and an urban passage. The objective is to increase the accessibility of the town to the railway, within the vicinity of the Camp de Tarragona and the regional services of Catalonia.

During his speech, the General Secretary for Infrastructures stressed that this action meets the current and future needs of passengers, with a new station next to a new urban underpass, which will connect the central axis of the Bellissens University Campus with the train station. buses.

The president of Adif and Adif AV, María Luisa Domínguez; and the general director of Planning, Strategy and Projects of Adif, Montserrat Rallo, have accompanied Xavier Flores at the presentation of the project, which has also had the presence of the sub-delegate of the Government in Tarragona, Santiago Castellà; the Secretary of Mobility and Infrastructures of the Generalitat, Marc Sanglas; and the mayor of Reus, Carles Pellicer.


The new station of Reus-Bellissens is located in the southeast of the city, between the stations of Reus and Vila-seca. It is a modern station, integrated in a square with a marked urban character, next to an area of ​​recent construction in the municipality, where the Bellissens University Campus of the Rovira i Virgiliy University and the San Joan de Reus University Hospital are located.

The RT1 (Tarragona-Reus) commuter services from Camp de Tarragona and the regional services R14 (Barcelona – Lleida) and R15 (Barcelona – Riba-roja d’Ebre) will circulate through the new station. According to the demand studies carried out by Adif, it is estimated that the new station will register a traffic of about 1,400 daily passengers, which could reach 3,500 passengers in a thirty-year horizon.

The new infrastructure of Reus-Bellissens will be made up of differentiated architectural modules, which will respond to the needs of travelers and will be protected under a canopy. It will have two side platforms 220 meters long and five meters wide, covered by canopies for one hundred meters. The underpass that will connect the platforms will be accessible with lifts and fixed stairs. The shape, width and finishes of the platforms offer waiting spaces and routes aligned with accessibility and safety standards.

The project also defines a fully accessible approach and pedestrian access area that also generates an urban space that will promote stay and social interaction. This area will also have areas reserved for stopping vehicles, taxis, buses and new models of sustainable mobility.

urban integration

The action defines an urban underpass, which connects the central axis of the Bellissens University Campus with Jaume Vidal i Alcover street and the bus station, now separated by the railway line. The urbanization around the pass will reinforce urban integration and accessible itineraries from both sides of the city. In fact, the urban passage is integrated with the station and with the city through a staggered and accessible square, which generates comfortable and safe spaces, aligned with gender urban planning standards.

The forecasts suggest that, during the first semester, the projects that make up this action will be technically approved, as a step prior to the bidding for the works this year. The investment planned for the construction of the new station and the new urban passage is around 11 million euros, which will be assumed by Adif and the City Council, in accordance with the obligations and the distribution established in the collaboration agreement, signed by both entities in March 2022. The new station is added to the existing Reus station, located to the northwest of the municipality.

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