How to scare away pigeons so that their feces do not destroy your roof: 4 infallible tricks

by time news

scare pigeons off the roof is not an impossible task to accomplish, but if you already found a place to nest will not only become ‘unwanted guests’but also a infection focus due to their excrementwhich deteriorate surfaces being so corrosive. Learn how to scare away pigeons so that their feces do not destroy your roof: 4 infallible tricks.

What diseases does pigeon droppings transmit?

It’s one thing to see the pigeons rescuing food in any park and another to have them like guests in it House’s roofthe main problem is that their stool They are a infection focus. According to an article published by the National Institutes of Health, breathe dust containing pigeon droppings may cause psittacosisa flu Like Illness, but able to develop pneumonia.

On the other hand, the pigeon droppings it’s too much corrosivesince not having bladderstore liquids and solids together, therefore, their stool are aqueous and their pH level is from 3 to 4.5, that is, that thick, white, pasty substance can eat the roof tar, waterproofing, asphalt shingles and other materials from which it is made.

How to scare away pigeons so that their feces do not destroy your roof: 4 infallible tricks/ Photo: iStock

Why do pigeons stay on the roof?

Las pigeons they feel attracted to the ceilings for various reasons, for example, the roofs give them a safe place to nest and protect their eggs or chicks of the predatorsbut also, the roof offers them a broader view of their surroundings, which allows them to keep an eye on their surroundings and detect possible threats.

What smell do pigeons dislike?

there is not a particular smell that they do not like pigeons because they don’t have a sense of smell very developed. However, it is possible that some strong and unpleasant odors they can drive them away temporarilyAs the ammonia or chlorinebeing irritating to pigeons they may cause discomfort.

What to do so that the pigeons do not come to my roof?

Although they adapt very quickly to urban areas, it does not mean that you should resign yourself to them. Stick with these tips to drive them away Without damaging or endangering them, I assure you that peace of mind will return once they disappear from your roof or from the windows of your home.

How to scare away pigeons so that their feces do not destroy your roof: 4 infallible tricks / Photo: iStock

1. Visual repellents to scare away pigeons

Yes, instead of using some chemical repellent that cause damage to them, you can make a “scarecrow” to move them away from your home permanently, since they will think that there is someone else in the space they inhabit and will not approach them.

2. Discs to scare away pigeons

If you have CD’s at home and you were thinking of getting rid of them. Don’t throw them away! Better hang them in the place where the nests pigeonswith the sun, the flashes will dazzle the pigeons to such a degree that they will look for another place. This is my favorite trick because yes or yes the pigeons they leave the ceiling, once they are gone you can remove the discs.

How to scare away pigeons so that their feces do not destroy your roof: 4 infallible tricks / Photo: iStock

3. Mesh to block the way for pigeons

Although the pigeons They have a good memory and frequent places where they feel safe, by placing a Plastic mesh will have no way to perch on your roof, balconies or planters. I assure you that they will have no choice but to find a new place.

4. Inflated plastic bags to scare away pigeons

A simple but effective trick, because with the movement of the bags caused by the air, the pigeons they will be scared and will not think of nesting on your roof. I recommend that you hold the bags to a surface to prevent them from being blown away.

How to scare away pigeons so that their feces do not destroy your roof: 4 infallible tricks / Photo: iStock

Although the pigeons can be seen as annoying animals in some places, they are also a important species which is part of environment and plays a role in the food chain. Therefore, you have to treat them with respect and not damage their natural habitat

now that you know how to scare pigeons away from your house without hurting them, Apply yourself with the advice that you like the most and you will see that you will not have to worry about them again.

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