STM will punish soldiers who committed crimes on 8/1, says future president – News

by time news
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    Minister Francisco Joseli Parente Camelo, of the STM (Superior Military Court), during a court session

Minister Francisco Joseli Parente Camelo, future president of the STM (Superior Military Court), told the UOL that the Court will act “with all justice” if it receives cases involving military personnel accused of participation or omission in the acts of January 8, and that, if the crime is proven, the military member will be punished.

We will judge with all justice, with full right to defense and the contradictory, and if he has really committed crimes, if he comes to us, he will be punished “
Francisco Joseli Parente Camelo

“This decision (whether the cases remain in the STM or in the STF) has not yet been released, but I believe that a lot of things can go to the Superior Military Court”, he added.

Camelo takes charge of the court in March and was at the STF (Federal Supreme Court) on Wednesday (8) for a meeting with Minister Rosa Weber.

Within the Supreme, it is still discussed whether any actions against military personnel should be directed to the STM or remain with the processes involving civilians, which are under the rapporteurship of Alexandre de Moraes. The minister is expected to seek to concentrate cases.

Currently, there are no complaints filed against military personnel pending before the STM, which has jurisdiction over cases involving members of the Armed Forces.

The Military Public Ministry opened eight preliminary investigations, the so-called factual news, since the attack. There are also two military police investigations in the first instance of Military Justice, in the military audit of Brasilia.

Last week, the attorney general of Military Justice, Antônio Pereira Duarte, told the UOL News that there is no slowness in the investigation of the involvement of the military in the coup acts.

“The news in fact result from a direct investigation by the Military Public Prosecutor’s Office itself. There is no identification of the military, unless they were in plain clothes, during these acts. Therefore, the investigation becomes much more complex”, he said.

New STM president takes office next month. Francisco Camelo was at the STF for a courtesy meeting with the president of the court, Minister Rosa Weber. The meeting served to deliver the invitation for the magistrate to take office, who will take over the STM on March 16. Rosa would have said that she would attend the ceremony.

Pilot of Lula and Dilma. Francisco Joseli Parente Camelo is a Lieutenant-Brigadier of the Air and a member of the STM since 2015, by appointment of then President Dilma Rousseff (PT).

Before becoming a minister, he piloted the presidential plane during the eight years of Lula’s government and for another five years in Dilma’s administration.

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