Cholesterol lowering foods, Garlic for Cholesterol : How to eat garlic for high cholesterol according to ncbi research

by time news

Avoiding foods high in saturated fat and trans fat is essential to control cholesterol. However, we should include some food items that control cholesterol in our diet. After that you have to look for medicines. Especially many spices that have been used in our Indian cooking for ages help to control blood sugar and high cholesterol. One of the most important of them is garlic.


Garlic is an important ingredient in Indian traditional cooking that is used in everyday cooking.

Allium sativum, the botanical name of this garlic, is grown in South-West Asian countries in the world.

Garlic Benefits

With its anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, adding this garlic to your diet can provide numerous health benefits. Let’s find out what they are.

Boost Body’s Immune System,
Control High Blood Pressure
Reduces High Cholesterol Levels
Has anti-cancer properties (Prevention of Cancer),
Promote weight loss,
Prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia,
Has Antibiotic Properties,

Garlic Nutritional Values

100 g (3.5 oz) of garlic contains the following nutritional values:

Calorie content – 149 kcal)
Carbohydrates (Carbohydrates) – 33.06 g
Sugar – 1 gm
Dietary fiber – 2.1 g
Fat – 0.5 g
Protein – 6.36 g
Vitamin B1 – Thiamine (Thiamine (B1)) – 17%0.2 mg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin (B2)) -9%0.11 mg
Vitamin B3 (Niacin (B3)) – 5%0.7 mg
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid (B5)) – 12%0.596 mg
Vitamin B6 (Vitamin B6) – 1.2350 mg
Vitamin B9 (Folate (B9)) – 3 mg
Choline (Choline) – 23.2 mg
Vitamin C (Vitamin C) – 31.2 mg
Calcium (Calcium) – 181 mg
Iron content – 1.7 mg
Magnesium – 25 mg
Manganese – 1.672 mg
Phosphorus (Phosphorus) – 153 mg
Potassium (Potassium) – 401 mg
Sodium (Sodium) – 17 mg
Zinc (Zinc) – 1.16 mg
Water -59 g
Selenium (Selenium) – 14.2 μg

Garlic lowers cholesterol

Adding garlic to your daily diet is said to reduce bad cholesterol in the blood. In particular, National Center for Biotechnology Information It has been mentioned in the research article “The mechanisms responsible for garlic – drug interactions and their in vivo relevance” that only taking garlic can reduce cholesterol by almost 7 percent.

How does garlic lower cholesterol?

Allicin, an ingredient in garlic, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This antioxidant helps reduce free radicals and the oxidative stress they cause in the body. Because excessive oxidative stress is also a major cause of high cholesterol problem.

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of garlic lower cholesterol. In addition, the anti-platelet properties of garlic naturally prevent blood clotting and act as an excellent blood thinner. This can prevent the formation of blood clots. This can prevent the production of bad cholesterol.

How much garlic can be taken?

There is no one-size-fits-all definition when it comes to garlic. Because everyone’s body is different. Everyone has different dietary habits, lifestyles, physical health conditions, cholesterol levels and causes. It can be taken accordingly.

Studies show that eating half to one clove of garlic a day can lower cholesterol levels. So start eating like that. Don’t make the mistake of boiling a bowl and eating it as it lowers cholesterol. It lowers blood pressure a lot.

Garlic supplements are available. Taking 400mg per day with your doctor’s advice is effective in reducing cholesterol levels.

How many days does garlic reduce cholesterol?

Everyone has a question about how long to eat garlic continuously to reduce cholesterol.

By taking garlic continuously for six weeks you can see a good improvement in cholesterol levels. People with very high cholesterol should take it for at least four months.

Likewise, when garlic is included in the daily diet, small amounts of it can help keep cholesterol under control for life. So it is better to look at it as a food rather than a medicine.

How to take garlic to lower cholesterol?

Garlic can be easily incorporated into our diet in various ways.

Garlic can be added to your sauces and soups, finely grated or as a paste.

It is only when garlic is raw that it has a foul smell and a sticky texture. But when added to cooking it will enhance the taste of your food and give it a nice aroma.

When dressing your salads, finely chop or grate 4 cloves of garlic and mix with a little salt, pepper, olive oil and lemon juice.

Eating garlic raw, fresh and not overheated will give you even more benefits than eating it boiled. The allicins in garlic begin to degrade when overheated.
So it is better to eat a clove of garlic on an empty stomach in the morning than to eat it boiled.

Cholesterol lowering garlic infusion

Necessary materials

Garlic – 1 cup
Ginger – 1 cup
Apple Cedar Vinegar – 1 cup
Lemon juice – 1 cup
Honey – 2 cups


Peel and wash the garlic and keep it clean. Add this to the mixer and add some water and grind it well.

Peel the ginger and wash and clean it. Grind it well with a cup of water and extract the juice.

Now in a bowl mix together one cup of ginger juice, one cup of garlic juice, one cup of apple cider vinegar and one cup of lemon juice.

Keep it on medium heat and let it boil well. Boil the curd until the total 4 cups are reduced to two cups.

After making two cups, turn off the stove and let it cool down a bit.

Then add two cups of honey and mix it well and keep it in a glass bottle. Do not refrigerate it. Use at room temperature.

It will last up to two months. After a month of continuous consumption, you will definitely see your LDL cholesterol levels drop significantly.

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