INSS: Family members should not withdraw payment from deceased insured person – Jornal Contábil

by time news

The INSS (Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social) observes that many people, at the time of the death of a family member, may often, due to the pain of the loss or lack of information, not know how to act in the face of the social security situation of the insured person who died. However, there are people who draw the benefit even after the person’s death.

According to social security rules, anyone who received a retirement pension, death pension, social support, among others – it is the duty of the family and the civil registry offices (which issue the death certificate) to report the death to the INSS, so that suspension of benefit payments.

These amounts are often withdrawn for very common reasons. There are retirees who transfer their card and password to a trusted family member. This usually happens when the insured person is incapacitated and cannot leave the house. And he uses this resource from the relative to be able to withdraw the values ​​for him.

When the family does not go to the notary to register the death of the latter, even in possession of the declaration provided by the health network, and continues to carry out banking operations in the name of the latter, it is committing an irregularity and will have to return to the INSS coffers all the amounts that wrongly received.

The best procedure is for the family member to communicate the death to the Institute through remote channels: Telephone Center 135 and Meu INSS, in the Request Withdrawal/Termination/Waiver of Benefit service

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But why does the INSS release values ​​after the death of the insured person?

There is a reason why amounts fall into the account even after the death of the insured person. While the next month’s payment is being processed, deaths may occur in which there is not enough time for the INSS to properly block the payment.

As a result, the deposit is made into the account of the deceased beneficiary. Another situation is when the insured person dies before withdrawing the monthly benefit.

When this happens, the municipality advises the family not to withdraw the released money. In addition, he must immediately report the fact to the INSS and request, in the correct form, the amounts not received by the insured person in life. This request must be made through the Institute’s remote channels, through the Request Issuance of Payment Not Received service.

When is it possible to receive benefit from the deceased insured person?

There are two situations that can happen: when there is dependence for death pension and when there is not. In the first case, the dependent will apply for the death pension and, only after this benefit has been granted, will he be able to request the Request Issuance of Payment Not Received service.

In the event that there are no legal dependents for the pension, family members can request payment of the amounts not received, but it is necessary to present, together with the application, a court order or the sharing form or the inventory. This documentation is required for legal proof that the applicant is an heir of the deceased insured. Without the presentation of this documentation, the payment of the residue will not be released.

Remembering that for both cases it is necessary to present the requested documentation and obey the flow to receive this waste. The amounts not received during life by the insured person will be paid, after analyzing the requirements, through Alternative Benefit Payment (PAB).

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The family that receives payment improperly from the insured person who died may go through an uncomfortable situation.

When you receive an undue payment from the INSS, you can generate an administrative charge by the National Institute of Social Security (INSS), which carries out an investigation with the banking institution for the definition of responsibility.

To learn more about this subject and other social security issues, call Central 135, which is open from Monday to Saturday, from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm. Or access Meu INSS, available as a portal ( or mobile application.

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