Covid-19 Pfizer and Moderna vaccines: Heart damage confirmed

by time news

that the covid-19 vaccines could provoke severe heart damageespecially those of Pfizer y ModernWe’ve known since this all started. The novelty is that now a large-scale scientific work corroborates it. I tell you.

The use of covid-19 vaccines was associated almost from its inception with an increased risk of myocarditis o pericarditis.

We published it in the post titled: New adverse reaction of the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines: damage to the heart.

Now the results of a meta-analysis that has analyzed these two adverse reactions.

This is a very extensive study as the researchers reviewed a total of eleven studies containing data from 58,620,611 people and their conclusions have been clear:

In addition to confirming this correlation, an increased risk of myocarditis or pericarditis has been observed in people who received the second dose of the vaccinecompared to those who only received one dose.

It is interesting to comment that those responsible for the analytical work and other specialists with whom I have consulted point out that facing the Covid-19 without getting vaccinated can also entail myocarditis or periocarditis.

tells me a cardiologistthat while the post-vaccination sequelae that concern us are usually mild and the affected person recovers in about a week, those of the disease can be very serious and cause death.

That is, whether we get vaccinated or not, we can suffer this damage. In Spain, vaccines THEY ARE NOT MANDATORYTherefore, there is freedom of choice and each person has to assess, with all the information possible, whether to wear them or not.

What do the damages now endorsed consist of?

Photo by Isabella Mariana.

In the work that concerns us, it is also stated that these vaccines continue to be recommended, after saying that their security issues They were not properly verified (due to haste, for commercial interest?).

I have searched for the reasoning in the study and I have not found itI do not know if they have used it as the typical filler to avoid polemicizing when it comes to publishing about vaccines.

The myocarditis It is an inflammation of the heart muscle caused mainly by a viral disease and can lead to heart failure, arrhythmias or even death.

The pericarditis It is the inflammation of the bag that surrounds the heart and can also cause the death of the patient.

Myocarditis and pericarditis are thought to be the result of autoinflammation and may be related to the immune response to both the viral infection and the components of these vaccines.

I always say and this is not going to be the exception that you read the original source that I have linked to you and then take your own decisions.

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