In Moldova, the Prime Minister resigns, the government collapses

by time news

Natalia Gavrilita declared, Friday February 10, during a press conference, that “the time has come for me to announce my resignation”. The pro-Western Prime Minister added that no one expected her government, elected in the summer of 2021, to “have to deal with so many crises caused by Russian aggression in Ukraine”.

Natalia Gavrilita’s tenure has been marked by a long series of problems. These include an acute energy crisis, soaring inflation, and several troublesome incidents such as missiles from the war in neighboring Ukraine crossing its skies. His resignation thus adds to the series of crises that have gripped the small nation since Russia invaded Ukraine and caused the collapse of the Moldovan government.

“I took the reins of government with an anti-corruption, pro-development and pro-European mandate, at a time when corruption schemes had taken hold of all institutions and the oligarchs felt untouchable”, Gavrilita said.

“We were immediately faced with energetic blackmail, and those who did it hoped that we would give in. The bet of the enemies of our country was that we would act like previous governments, who gave up on energy interests, who betrayed the national interest in exchange for short-term benefits. »

“Despite unprecedented challenges, the country has been governed responsibly”

Moldovan President Maia Sandu thanked Gavrilita for her “huge sacrifice and effort to lead the country in times of so many crises”. Natalia Gavrilita, a 41-year-old economist, was appointed prime minister in August 2021 after her party, the pro-Western Action and Solidarity Party (PAS), won a parliamentary election on a pro-European Union and reformist ticket. in the former Soviet republic.

“Despite unprecedented challenges, the country has been governed responsibly, with great care and dedicated work,” continued the president with regard to Mme Gavrilita. « We have stability, peace and development – ​​where others wanted war and bankruptcy. »

Speaker Sandu added that she would hold consultations with parliamentary factions and nominate a candidate for the leadership position, without specifying when. The new government will then have to be approved by the Moldovan parliament, which has 101 deputies.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The international community to the aid of Moldova, collateral victim of the war in Ukraine

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