On the day the earth will shake in Israel: all the details according to the star map

by time news

It is not a question of “if”, but a question of “when”, and how strong the earthquake will be. The earthquake in Turkey was of such intensity that it spread over a large area, destroying an area that covers most of the population of the State of Israel. Or at least certainly enough to wreak havoc between everything between Beersheva and Haifa. Turkey is a huge country and most of the country was not damaged. You have to understand, geographically Tel Aviv is closer to the epicenter in Turkey than the city of Istanbul in Turkey, where the earthquake was not felt at all. Turkey has many rescue forces that are mobile and working, but such an earthquake in the center of Israel will completely paralyze the country.

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Don’t expect the politicians to act on it. They think short-term, about their shift only, and are mostly busy with themselves. But the question arises, will not an earthquake occur in the short term? In the upcoming “shift”? Perhaps it is a shame that we are busy with politicians, defending or admiring them, instead of demanding that they work for us, and reminding them that they are on probation. It doesn’t matter which political side we are on, but in Israel citizens tend to serve the politicians, more than they tend to serve the public. It’s an upside-down world, and it’s our job to demand that they take care of us, and also deal with the issue of earthquake preparedness. Such an earthquake will inevitably happen, because Israel sits on the Syrian-African divide. The question is when? It might be soon.

The great destruction caused by the earthquake in Turkey (Photo: REUTERS/Cagla Gurdogan)

The great destruction caused by the earthquake in Turkey (Photo: REUTERS/Cagla Gurdogan)

Seismologists know how to predict an earthquake only about a minute or two before its occurrence. They do not know whether the chance of an earthquake has increased following the earthquake in Turkey, or perhaps actually decreased. And so they simply say he hasn’t changed. In astrology you can see a little more, and we will try to answer. Today there are already advanced scientific studies that have proven a connection between the moon cycle and earthquakes. An in-depth statistical study examined seismographic data from all over the world over two decades, and found that around a full moon or a new moon (just born), the chance of strong earthquakes (over 5.5 on the Richter scale) increases.

Since the study was published (you can find a Hebrew translation of it by the Davidson Institute belonging to the Weizmann Institute), quite a few strong earthquakes have occurred on the night of a full moon (which always falls in the middle of a Hebrew month, -T’u). This includes the last earthquake in Turkey that occurred in T’u in the tribe Even 6 years ago, on Tu B’Shevat 2017, a strong earthquake occurred in Turkey, when “only” 113 people lost their lives. Then the epicenter was in the sea, but still a lot of destruction was caused, injured and dead. The scientists do not know how to explain the connection The theory that it is the tidal force (gravitational force) of the moon that causes the land to move has been rejected, since this force is too weak. Geologists explain that the causes of earthquakes lie deep within the earth’s crust, when the tectonic plates move towards each other, the gravitational force of the moon has a contribution Very small for that, much less than 1% they explain.

7.8 magnitude earthquake in southern Turkey (Photo: Reuters)

7.8 magnitude earthquake in southern Turkey (Photo: Reuters)

Man still does not know how to explain most of the processes in the universe, but the right thing is to use their practical knowledge. For example, as early as 325 BC, man recognized the phenomenon of tides in the sea in connection with the lunar cycle, but he did not understand the reason for this. Only two thousand years later, in 1687, Isaac Newton would recognize the force of gravity, and provide a rational explanation for the phenomenon. Until the explanation, the phenomenon seems mystical, and from the moment of the explanation, it is scientific. In the same way, astrology as a whole has not yet been fully clarified, and we are waiting for the day when they will find the rationale behind a complex The connections between the cycles of celestial bodies, and life itself. In the meantime, we have only learned to use knowledge, and anyone can learn the orderly Torah (no need for superpowers). So when to expect an earthquake in Israel?

It should be said that we do not yet have the tools to determine with certainty, but times with greater potential can be examined. First, of course, the chance of this increases during a full moon or new moon, and especially during eclipses (sun or moon). But there are other more complex calculations, which I will not introduce you to, but I will give the times: the months of August and September 2023 are the first for any potential for a more significant earthquake. This is also true for Turkey. After that, a solar eclipse is expected on October 14, and it already indicates a greater potential for a significant earthquake somewhere in the world, and possibly in Israel, in the days around this time. On October 28, a lunar eclipse is expected that will greatly affect Israel, but in my estimation not in the field of earthquakes, but rather in a matter of security or foreign relations. Another important lunar eclipse for the country will be on March 25, 2024, and it should be emphasized that eclipses manifest in different forms, not necessarily in an earthquake, and not necessarily on the day of the eclipse, but in the days surrounding it.

The earthquake in Turkey (Photo: Reuters)

The earthquake in Turkey (Photo: Reuters)

More significant times for the State of Israel, which may manifest in an earthquake, will be in the months of May-June 2024, and again around the winter between 2024 and 2025. That is, between November 2024 and March 2025. It is difficult to predict today what will happen then, but we can say with confidence that very dramatic events will take place in the country. It is a time of great change, which can be political, security, or economic, and maybe all together. Let’s hope it’s not an earthquake. And if so, it is not very significant. But it is in any case a time of “earthquake” at least in its metaphorical sense. The country’s 76th Independence Day (in 2024) will be experienced in a very dramatic way, and it will return and take place even more in the following winter. Some are afraid of the changes that the State of Israel is going through now, and some are happy. Be that as it may, changes are not eternal in nature, and much more significant changes await us in the period of the last times described.

It is important to emphasize that we only know how to mark a potential time for an earthquake, but not necessarily that it will occur, and certainly that we do not know the intensity and extent of the damage. From the distance of time it is difficult to determine the nature of things, yet the times described will be significant for one reason or another, and should be kept and followed.

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