“This is the first threat in Europe”: a green MP takes on far-right terrorism

by time news

He must return his copy this Friday, February 10. The green deputy Aurélien Taché will table a bill “against the far right” by the beginning of next week. Clearly, his text aims to “demonstrate that there is a supremacist terrorist threat from the hyper-important ultra-right in Europe”. Taché relies in particular on a Europol report “which tells us that this is the most important threat in Europe and that half of the arrests take place in France”. “Nevertheless, no government has sounded the alarm,” argues Taché. In question, according to him, the “drift of the public debate”: “We have a Michel Houellebecq who says that there will be Bataclan upside down… »

He therefore wants the government to draw up an inventory of the functioning of the “far-right nebula”. “In order to better guarantee the internal security of our country, we therefore first need a very precise assessment of the extent of the phenomenon under consideration. The sole article of this bill provides that the government submit to Parliament within 6 months a report drawing up an exhaustive inventory of the terrorist threat from the far right in France “unfolds the provisional explanatory memorandum consulted by Le Parisien .

“The report must in particular establish: an estimate of the number of people who have taken part in at least one action of a far-right group, training or stay over the past three years; a presentation, in trend, of the development of said activity and its premises over the past ten years or even an analysis of the structure of far-right groups and their financing,” he continues.

An exchange with the offices of Gérald Darmanin and Élisabeth Borne

“I am in favor of it” confides to the Parisian Sacha Houlié, the president of the law commission of the Assembly. “I launched this week an information mission on violent activism, anything that can come in addition is welcome. It mobilizes a little, it shows what is being done. It shows that it’s not just the extreme left that is taking over the subject,” he adds.

The two men have the advantage of knowing each other well: they are both friends, from the “Poitiers band”, these young macronists who worked for the election of Emmanuel Macron in 2016. Aurélien Taché also exchanged with the offices of the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, and the Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne. “We haven’t made a decision, but we are watching” confirms Place Beauvau. “They seemed to see it in a good light,” adds one of the actors in the file.

Are all the lights green? Not really. It is on the side of his own group, the greens, that things get stuck. For the time being, some would be reluctant to leave a place of choice in their niche, in April, to this bill. “The final order of presentation of the texts has not been decided. I really hope that the group will put it as soon as possible in the public debate” supports Taché.

This order is all the more important when the time of a niche is constrained – 12 hours – and when well-placed texts have a better chance of being studied. The deputy still sends a blow of pressure to his comrades, after having skipped the group meeting Tuesday morning, annoyed: “At this stage I have no insurance on it, which I regret a little bit. “And to urge: “We really have to be a group capable of tackling sovereign subjects. You can’t just be a feel good band. »

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