“Qatargate will allow us to investigate and see if there is not a Pfizergate” Virginie Joron

by time news

In order to draw up an inventory of European Union policy since the start of the Covid-19 epidemic, we have received in this “Essential Interview” Virginie Joron, MEP since 2019, member of the “Identity and Democracy” group. affiliated with the National Rally and former regional councilor for the Grand Est (2016-2021).

Tribute to Professor Luc Montagnier

Since the start of the Covid-19 epidemic, Virginie Joron has distinguished herself by her positions going against the official narrative in terms of health policy, sometimes in a much more clear-cut way than those of her own party.

However, before returning to political issues, Virginie Joron wanted, on this day of February 8, 2022 (the day of the interview in our studios), to pay tribute to Professor Luc Montagnier, for whom it was the first anniversary of his disappearance. . She recalled her pioneering role from the onset of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and the work that led to the identification of the human immunodeficiency virus, which earned her the honor in 2008 of the Nobel Prize for medicine. She also lamented that the latter had no national tribute despite his exceptional career, regretting that some have chosen to remember only the positions that have caused controversy instead of looking at his entire scientific career. exceptional. An event which, for her, illustrates the reality of our time, namely the prohibition on issuing the slightest divergent opinion on the official decisions taken in terms of health policy, in particular in relation to the anti-Covid-19 vaccine presented as the only therapeutic solution against the Sars-CoV-2 virus.

Recalling the relentlessness of which Professor Luc Montagnier was the object, but also that of which other scientists were victims, in particular Professor Perronne or Professor Raoult, Virginie Joron called for an end ” this manhunt unworthy of a country that has inscribed on all the pediments of public buildings the motto: “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”.

Confiscation of adversarial debate

While “the assizes of sectarian aberrations and conspiracy” have just opened, the MEP returned to the confiscation of the scientific debate, which remained at a standstill while the President of the Republic and the consulting firms were the main actors and decision-makers in the face of the Covid-19 epidemic.

« Why do we use the word conspiracy? It is a word that immediately categorizes and discredits. They are tools that are linked to the manipulation of information to denigrate and to exclude from society a current of thought that does not go their way.. So effectively, they continue to set up studies, foundations which mean nothing on the merits. In addition, often they are not experts, they are not competent in the matter”, regrets the MEP who returns to the hearing of October 12, 2022 of the representative of the Pfizer laboratory Janine Small, to recall the words of the latter when she admitted that the anti-Covid vaccine had not been “ tested on its ability to prevent transmission of the virus “. A confession that had caused a lot of excitement among the population, since the justification used by governments to establish the health pass turned out to be unfounded.

Economic uncertainty at the heart of Virginie Joron’s concerns

If the questions relating to vaccines and the opacity which reigns around the question of the contracts signed between the European Commission and the pharmaceutical companies always give rise to intense debates within the European Parliament, Virginie Joron returned to the question of purchasing power which she thinks is the great concern of an ever-increasing number of French people who are finding it difficult to access basic necessities.

But beyond purchasing power, Virginie Joron, aware of the new economic risks and the uncertain prospects for the people, paints a complete picture of the new challenges and the interdependence of economic and social problems. Soaring energy prices, cascading business bankruptcies, mass unemployment, pension reform, the MEP is well aware that uncertain growth forecasts can cause all forms of insecurity: food insecurity, insecurity in the face of access to care, insecurity in the face of drug supply shortages and finally the insecurity of people established from incivility, acts of intimidation and rising crime.

Faced with this multitude of problems, while the European Commission, which is not elected by universal suffrage, takes autonomous decisions on health, security, geopolitical or strategic choices, with a total lack of transparency, Virginie Joron s worried about citizens’ loss of confidence in their institutions. Indeed, more and more of them are denouncing never-kept promises and uncoordinated decisions at a time when those who conduct public policies continue to fail to meet the expectations of a large part of the population, including the feeling of dispossession has continued to grow since certain national prerogatives are henceforth entrusted to supranational authorities which, with the exception of the European Parliament, are not elected by the people.

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