Back to school: see the most common diseases among children and learn how to protect them – News

by time news

Back to school is a period that generates anxiety and also concern for parents; after all, the gathering of children in a room, depending on their age, can facilitate the transmission of viruses, bacteria and infections.

According to infectologist Aline Scarabelli, medical consultant at Labi Exames, the most common diseases during the school period are conjunctivitis, respiratory tract diseases (flu, colds and Covid-19), throat infections and gastroenteritis.

Doctor Maura Neves, otorhinolaryngologist at USP, adds pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, otitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and pneumonia to the list.

Pediatrician Nelson Ejzenbaum, member of the American Academy of Pediatrics, also reiterates problems such as head lice, common at this age, and concern about other less frequent illnesses — in a scenario of high vaccination coverage — such as chickenpox and measles.

Diseases such as pneumonia, Covid-19, chickenpox (chickenpox), whooping cough, measles, mumps, rubella, rotavirus, meningitis and flu require more attention from parents and can keep the child away from social life for up to three weeks.

It is important that parents and teachers pay attention to the signs, which can range from fever, pain, blisters, wounds, cough, fatigue, cramps, nausea, lack of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, abdominal pain, spots on the skin, runny nose.

It is also important to observe whether the child’s health condition shows any improvement, usually 48 hours after starting the medication.


Maura states that “in the presence of respiratory symptoms, the most appropriate thing is to avoid sending the child to school, first to preserve the child himself, who is sick and, second, to prevent contagion of children at school”.

Aline also states that “it is important to remember that diseases such as conjunctivitis and the common cold do not have vaccines available. Therefore, parents should be aware of the symptoms, not take the child to school during this period and promote attitudes that prevent the infection from spreading, such as using wearing a mask, cleaning surfaces and not sharing utensils”.

For Roberta Pilla, an otorhinolaryngologist member of the ABORL-CCF (Brazilian Association of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervico-Facial Surgery), the adoption of some habits can help prevent these diseases and their transmission, such as hygiene, sleep and physical activities for children.

At the school itself, it is recommended that environments are always well ventilated and that students are encouraged to always use gel alcohol and wash their hands.

If any symptoms are noticed, it is important that the children are referred to the ward and that the parents are aware of the situation in order to seek medical help.

Maura also says that, at home, some measures can help, such as nasal washing with saline solution twice a day, which helps to reduce the number of cases of nasal infections.

Vaccination is essential

Consensus among doctors, the greatest ally in preventing infections is childhood vaccination.

“The ideal thing is that children, when starting school, take all the vaccines in the children’s immunization schedule. Children have to be up-to-date on their immunization schedule”, emphasizes Ezjembaum.

Among the main immunizers needed are flu vaccines, Covidpneumo 13 or pneumo 23, Haemophilus influenzae type B and rotavirus.

Finally, also exposed and vulnerable to infections, teachers should be aware of the symptoms they may have.

It is advisable that such professionals do not come to work sick, in order to avoid transmitting any illness to the children and, as well as to them, to be up-to-date on their vaccinations, keep the school environment clean and encourage good hygiene habits, using tissues or the inside of your elbows to cover your mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing.

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