“Men, enter the shelters and do not take the babysitter: you are the source of evil in the world”

by time news

A call to all mothers who have decided to send their child to daycare: I have a request then, do not leave the child alone with the caregiver. Examine whether the nursery has given professional training to the caregiver, whether it has performed a psychiatric assessment, which will determine whether she is fit to care for infants and children, identify if there is no violence inherent in it and make sure she does not have a short fuse. I’m sure she can be a great caregiver. And yet, when it comes to our children, experience shows that there is no room for error.

Revital Vitalzon Jacobs’ post from last week dubbed “The Babysitter Storm” looks just like the call written above. Even a week later, the post continues to spread virally, sending metastases across the web, being nurtured and strengthened thanks to a glorious men’s masquerade. Men, get into the shelters! From now on you are also not allowed to take the babysitter home. After all, you are the father of all sin and the source of evil in the world. How far will we go with this demonization?

Did you know, dear post-notebook, that while the campaign against domestic violence is crushing men, domestic violence is not the domain of men alone, but is divided almost equally between men and women? Did you know that violence in kindergartens is exclusively for women? You have not yet asked the kindergarten teacher to refrain from staying with your children, lest some Carmel ever leave her.

It is a pity that toddlers do not have the “ME TOO” movement. Whitelson, Photo: Efrat Eshel

Thanks to the compassion gaps between men and women, you have become the hero of the moment. It is a pity that children and toddlers do not have a movement like “ME TOO” that will expose the fruits of female violence in the sandbox. It is a pity that men do not have an opening here in the mainstream media platform to tell about the bitter fruits of the men’s assault campaign: an endless chain of false complaints aimed at improving achievements in divorce proceedings.

Men are 80% of suicides, 90% of street dwellers, 80% of drug addicts, 100% of those discriminated against in early childhood care, 99% of wounded and killed in the IDF. Over 100 divorced men commit suicide each year, most of them suffering from parental alienation Military service casualties, latent depression, retired casualties, most killed in work accidents and road accidents, discriminated against in taxation, educated for emotional repression and currently suffering from unprecedented wave of maneuver. To take his five-year-old child out of kindergarten (if he is divorced in Israel) because of the presumption of infancy, so who suffers from an excess of privilege here?

Do you already recognize the irrationality? Women who have historically suffered disgraceful treatment should not be punished by the entire male population today. The vast majority of us are wonderful fathers, wonderful life partners, breadwinners, workers and very much in love with you and our families.

The irony of fate is that while your feminism is presented in a progressive wrapper, it sends us into the religious conservative districts of segregation between boys and girls. Are you rowing there?

“If I was far-sighted, it was because I was standing on the shoulders of giants,” Newton said and was right. We went a long way, and Vittelson’s post, which does follow the trend of men’s beauty, reveals this. To what world do we want our children, and especially our daughters, to grow up? To a world where man is equal or enemy?

Enough, enough with the militancy. The vast majority of us are good and valued people, working hours to support our beloved family, clean, wash, cook, and above all – educate the next generation for equality and solidarity. So we, too, like you, at the end of the day, also fall asleep on the couch in the living room from exhaustion, and we’ll be happy if you drive the babysitter home, not because you think we’ll do anything for her, but because you encourage us to continue napping with fun.

Were we wrong? Fixed! If you found an error in the article, we’ll be happy for you to share it with us


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