between life and death, the artist implicated

by time news

A serious car accident involving comedian Pierre Palmade occurred on Friday February 10. While the 54-year-old artist is between life and death, the first elements seem to implicate him…

[Mis à jour le 11 février 2023 à 00h07] He would be between life and death. Pierre Palmade was transferred Friday February 10, 2023 to the Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital, located in Val-de-Marne, after a serious car accident which occurred at the start of the evening. His vital prognosis would be engaged according to several media, including Le Parisien, which indicated at the end of the evening that the artist could himself be in question. The escape of two people in the minutes following the accident was also mentioned, without having been confirmed by the authorities at this stage.

Around 6:45 p.m., Pierre Palmade found himself involved in a particularly violent traffic accident, involving three vehicles on a secondary road near Dammarie-les-Lys. The balance sheet at the approach of midnight reported five injuries in total, four of them serious.

The state of health of Pierre Palmade very uncertain

Pierre Palmade had to be extricated from his vehicle and rushed to the nearest hospital center, the Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital, in Val-de-Marne. The vital prognosis of the 54-year-old comedian is engaged, reported The Parisian during the evening this Friday, confirming in passing the information of the Sunday newspaper that Pierre Palmade was in a state of absolute emergency.

The circumstances of the accident still unclear

It was around 6:45 p.m. on Friday February 10 when the accident that involved Pierre Palmade took place on departmental road 372, which connects Dammarie-les-Lys to Villiers-en-Bière, in Seine-et-Marne. According to information from Parisian, Pierre Palmade’s car would have hit a second vehicle head-on in which was a pregnant woman, her brother and her six-year-old child. A collision with “strong kinetics”, according to the prefecture of Seine-et-Marne. A third car driven by an 80-year-old man then appeared and hit one of the two vehicles already in the accident.

According to witnesses including The Parisian echoes, the Peugeot, at the wheel of which Pierre Palmade was, would have deported on the next lane, the same one where the car driven by the pregnant woman was arriving in the opposite direction. The artist could therefore be involved in the drama, the Ile-de-France newspaper still believes. More disturbingly, witnesses claim to have seen two people get out of the vehicle driven by Pierre Palmade and flee after the collision.

Several victims imprisoned in their vehicle

On Twitter, the firefighters of 77 indicated that the RD372 had to be temporarily closed. About twenty firefighters had to intervene on the spot. At their side, three medical teams from Samu also had to move in order to extricate the victims stuck in two of the vehicles.

The victims being in a particularly serious condition, the operation would have been perilous and would have taken more than two hours, report several media, according to which the victims would have been evacuated thanks to three helicopters from Civil Security, Samu and the National Gendarmerie .

Four other victims, including a child and a pregnant woman

Pierre Palmade is not the only victim of this tragic accident. The prefecture of Seine-et-Marne reported on Friday evening a report of “five injured including four serious”. A pregnant woman and her six-year-old child, who were in the second vehicle involved, were also seriously injured. It seems that the fourth and last serious victim is the brother of the pregnant woman.

According to the prefecture of Seine-et-Marne, which franceinfo echoes, two of the three vehicles were hit “very seriously”. The prefecture reports a balance sheet of “five injured including four serious”. franceinfo adds for its part that an 80-year-old man occupied the third car. He would be slightly injured.

An accident not far from Cély-en-Bière, where Pierre Palmade lives

The RD372, where Pierre Palmade’s accident occurred, leads to the town of Cély-en-Bière, where the comedian lives. A house bought shortly before the Covid-19 pandemic, located not far from the Fontainebleau forest, explained in 2020 The Parisian, who had visited the artist in his home. The daily newspaper of the capital told in particular that Pierre Palmade had decided to put down his suitcases there after having felt like “a rejection of an aggressive Paris, people, noise”.

Pierre Palmade’s house is in a corner that the comedian had already known twenty years earlier, when Muriel Robin had invested in the area and had “asked him to be his neighbor”.

Pierre Palmade, the accomplice of Muriel Robin and Michèle Laroque

Born on March 23, 1968 in Bordeaux, Pierre Palmade made a name for himself in the 80s with one-man shows such as “My mother really likes what I do”, “Do we know each other?”, “Passez me see on occasion”, but also shows put on with his accomplices Muriel Robin and Michèle Laroque: “They love each other” in 1996, and “They are loved”, in 2001. Shows nominated several times at the Molières and the Victoires de la Musique.

Father of a whole generation of comedians, Pierre Palmade is above all a figure of the one-man-show and private theatre. He’s a familiar face on television and has appeared in a dozen films, according to AFP’s tally.

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