La Nacional plans to increase its loan portfolio by 65%

by time news

Santo Domingo.- Digital innovation, investment sustainability, financial education and support for SMEs are the keys that the National Association of Savings and Loans (Alnap) puts into practice in 2023, to continue expanding its space and participation in the Dominican financial system.

This year, it projects that its loan portfolio will grow by 65% ​​versus 2022, and 51.7% compared to 2021. That is, they could reach more than RD$15,650 million. Likewise, in the “personal banking” segment they estimate around 14,900 operations, which will be close to more than RD$10,000 million.

Last year, the total assets of this entity closed at RD$36,809 million, a growth of 1.23% in relation to 2021. This indicates that it occupies the eleventh position in local banking, which reports an amount of RD$3,002,289.4 million in 2022, for a growth of 9% compared to 2021, according to data from the Superintendency of Banks (SB).

For its executive vice president, Gustavo Zuluaga Alam, the technologies will provide greater operating facilities both externally and internally, which will be an important factor in expanding its assets this year and in providing better service to its clients.

“In this 2023 some projects will see the light, such as: the Transactional Switch, Wallet Tokenization, Digital Signature and Onboarding. Also the Unique Digital Client File”, said Zuluaga Alam. Other digital advances are the implementation of the BPM, the Decision Engine, the SIFI Upgrade. Likewise, an Administrative System for Business Continuity and Operational Risk, the Service Bureau, among others.

Regarding the sustainability of large investments, he said that he has support that exceeds US$10 million. In addition, they understand that access to housing will grow this year, so if they maintain “good price stability and controlled inflation”, their perspective on the placement of mortgage loans will be between 20% and 30%, a figure that exceeds last year.


La Nacional’s loan portfolio experienced growth of 8%, closing with around RD$27,545 million in 2022, which indicates a year-on-year difference of RD$1,939 million, when it was RD$25,606 million in 2021, according to the SB.

In this set, three segments grew and one decreased. Mortgage loans went from RD$15,687 million in 2021 to RD$17,980 million in 2022, which establishes an increase of 15% and a net difference of RD$2,293 million. Consumer loans increased by 8.7% (RD$351 million), since they went from RD$4,021 million to RD$4,372 million in the same period.

Credit card transactions closed 2022 at RD$431 million and around RD$365 million in 2021, which is equivalent to 18% growth and close to RD$66 million more. In relative terms, these were the ones with the highest weighting that La Nacional had in its performance during the past year. Meanwhile, commercial loans decreased by 14%, going from RD$5,533 million in 2021 to RD$4,762 million in the period already indicated.


On the subject of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the Alnap executive said that they have allocated 20% of their loan portfolio, which ranges from RD$15,000 to RD$300,000. He foresees that this sector will have a positive year due to the political and economic stability of the country. He said that this financial institution has banked more than 65,000 people in the last three years, which are potential business entrepreneurs.

“As long as the Government continues promoting fixed rates, Dominican society will have economic stability that guarantees governability. Already more than 40% of our portfolio has a fixed rate”, indicated Zuluaga, who added that the banking of people is being carried out with an educational accompaniment.

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