Pension reform: unions ready to “bring France to a halt” on March 7

by time news

She says she is ready to “harden the movement”. In the light of a new day of mobilization everywhere in France, the inter-union calls for “putting France to a halt” on March 7, during a press conference organized before the departure of the procession. Paris this Saturday.

The number one of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, again pointed the finger at a “form of democratic madness of the government to ignore what is happening”, while his counterpart from the CGT Philippe Martinez underlined that “the ball (was) in the camp” of the executive.

In their joint press release, the CGT, the CFDT, Force Ouvrière, FSU or even the UNEF, evoke a “social movement unprecedented in its magnitude and therefore now anchored in the social landscape”. “The government, like parliamentarians, cannot remain deaf to it,” they continue.

A call for mobilization “in all sectors”

“If, despite everything, the government and parliamentarians remained deaf to popular protest, the intersyndicale would call on workers, young people and retirees to harden the movement by bringing France to a standstill in all sectors the March 7 next “, they write. Remarks relayed by union representatives to the press, including Frédéric Souillot, general secretary of Force Ouvrière, at the end of the morning.

“The inter-union will seize March 8, international day of struggle for women’s rights to highlight the major social injustice of this reform against women”, continues the press release.

The unions, which confirmed their call for a fifth act on February 16, are betting on a strong mobilization on Saturday, Philippe Martinez noting “already a lot of people” in the street. The first processions, for this first mobilization on a Saturday, set off with, for example, 6,000 people in Nancy, according to the prefecture. In Toulouse, the CGT claimed a record number of “more than 100,000 demonstrators”. In Paris, the procession left the Place de la République to reach the Place de la Nation.

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