“The absence of vision and the impunity of senior officials are proof that the system is coming to an end” Paul-Antoine Martin

by time news

“Lack of vision and strategy”, “lack of culture”, “pretention”... It is in these incisive terms that Paul-Antoine Martin depicts senior French officials in his book “The Clan of Lords: Immersion in the State Caste”, published on January 11, 2023 by Max Milo editions. Trained as an engineer and executive, he reveals in this “Essential interview” the “mafia operation” and the reasoning of those members of the senior administration who “are the caricature of themselves”. Drawing up a statement “pretty terrible” of those people who “can fail without their careers stopping”, Paul-Antoine Martin explains this fact to us by “their impunity”according to him, a sign that the “system comes to its total end: its fulfillment in disruption”.

They are not elected, they are not known, but these senior officials “take the decisions, have power in France, risk nothing, fear nothing and will have, in any case, the honors of the nation: the Republic makes them its elite”. “They know better than anyone. Even better than the experts, with an assurance in their knowledge: a total claim”. Even a prime minister “had a hard time” face of this body, explains Paul-Antoine Martin, telling the anecdote of a senior civil servant, unstoppable, who “achieved the feat” to reduce the activity of an economic infrastructure by 30% in seven years. He points this out: “I have seen some who do not read, or who are at the head of international trade structures without being able to speak English”.

Directly evoking a “impoverished spirit”, an “intellectual, cultural and above all moral sagging” which “that these characters finally become stunted by their caricatures”, the author draws particular attention to “the analogy” between senior civil servants from the Polytechnic schools and the ENA and major political leaders or certain members of the government: “I understood our politicians all the better by observing the senior civil servants and vice versa. I found that they are quite similar in the way they operate”.

His book “The Clan of Lords: Immersion in the State Caste” reveals, through a character, “the state of mind of these people”, their behavior, their way of reasoning and thinking about things, with, as a bonus, many anecdotes: “All are true. Some are incredible, grotesque, but true. It is a story in which all the facts are true”. A work “brave” but also “dangerous”.

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