Find out when the MPF will issue an opinion on the revocation of the Torres prison

by time news

Anderson Torres, former Minister of Justice and Public Security

( Federal Public Ministry
) communicated to Supremo Tribunal Federal
who will only give an opinion on the request for the ex-minister of Justice and former secretary of Public Security of the Federal District to be revoked Anderson Torres
when you have access to the result of the expertise carried out on the cell phone of Fernando Sousa Oliveira, former deputy secretary of the folder.

“The press reported that the Federal Police forwarded an expert report according to which the investigated would have ordered to prevent criminals from reaching the Federal Supreme Court. However, the parquet still has not had access to this document which, although, apparently, may not be decisive for the outcome of the investigation, in theory it is relevant for the maintenance or not of the precautionary custody, and must be analyzed and interpreted in the set of evidence” , argued Carlos Frederico Santos, deputy attorney general of the Republic.

On Thursday (9), excerpts from the report commented on by the Public Ministry were released. According to CNN Brasil, the document shows an exchange of messages that can help Torres’ defense. One of them reveals that, even in the United States, the former Secretary of Public Security tried to prevent the terrorist act in Brasília, on January 8th.

“It is important to point out that, from the moment that information is published in the Diffusion group that protesters arrive at the Esplanada dos Ministérios and begin to touch metal parts that were available on the central lawn, there is an emphasis on the part of former Minister Anderson Torres , for Fernando, so that he would not let it reach the STF”, says an excerpt from the report made by the PF.

Anderson Torres and the investigation

Anderson was responsible for public safety in the Federal District when the terrorist attack in Brasilia took place. After the depredation of the coup leaders, the removed governor Ibaneis Rocha (MDB) exonerated Torres on the same day. The Federal Police did not find the cell phone of the former minister to carry out the investigation.

Anderson Torres was arrested last month on suspicion of failure to act in relation to anti-democratic acts in the federal capital. On the day the terrorist act took place, the former minister was on vacation in the United States, where he met with former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL).

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