“Shifting the responsibility is hard to bear”

by time news

Union President Dirk Zingler broke the collar at the press conference of 1. FC Union Berlin. He took on the Corona policy and attacked the basic attitude of the political leadership in Germany with harsh words. Jan Reinold recorded Zingler’s speech for the sports magazine Kicker. We document the most important passages:

No political leadership

“Our country is in a catastrophic state because it was led and communicated catastrophically.”

Shifting responsibility

“We are witnessing press conferences by the prime ministers – and three weeks later a regulation that no longer contains anything that was said at the press conference. I couldn’t imagine how bad this country is being run. The shifting of responsibility onto people, organizers and entrepreneurs is almost unbearable. (…) It gets excited about full stadiums. But we don’t get upset about long lines at vaccination centers that are working with too little capacity and too little vaccine. “

Attacks against Kimmich: a scandal

“I can remember that Karl-Heinz Rummenigge said a year ago: Let us as footballers set an example and vaccinate ourselves. There was a wave of outrage that the professional footballers would jostle each other. 18 months later, a single member of a professional group with a vaccination status of over 90 percent is pilloried because he has not yet been vaccinated. That’s how absurd the corona policy has become in this country. (…) The fact that our federal government is dealing with an individual in a professional group who is 90 to 95 percent vaccinated is a scandal – and not Joshua Kimmich. If we demand social solidarity, the country should deliver, then the state should show solidarity with its people and do its homework: provide vaccines, employ 30,000 nurses and organize hospital beds. Then he can demand solidarity from his people. “

Stopping infections by banning: “Words fail me”

“Professional football is not in a position to have to deliver, but the state has to deliver – through sensible communication and sensible corona policy. (…) I spent hours in an intensive care unit every day for five weeks in 2021 (Due to an illness in the closest personal environment, note from the Kicker editorial team.). I know what I’m talking about, I also know what a burden the nurses and carers have. You don’t need to tell me anything. The problem is not football. The problem is that we lost 30,000 caregivers and 6,000 beds in the pandemic. The state first has to do its homework, then it can restrict people’s basic rights. Then I also understand and have the feeling: You have examined everything, state, you have gone to the limits of what is possible. (…) A health senator (Berlin’s health senator Dilek Kalayci, editor) sits down and says: I would like to ban even more. Words fail me! This approach that I can only avoid infections by prohibiting it unfortunately ends with me. “

Total chaos instead of the rule of law

“I would like clear guidance. Crises have to be managed and communicated well. We don’t do any of that. If the Bundestag decides something with a majority and it becomes law, then so be it. But we are in complete chaos. I am glad that this elected government is finally stepping down and that we will hopefully get a fresh start. “

Söder: “The clown from Munich”

“(There was a…) professional conduct of coalition talks without anything leaking out. I experience a certain level of professionalism. I don’t have to agree with all of the results. And when this clown from Munich is no longer there, the Bild newspaper doesn’t seem to get any more news. That pleases me. “

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