There are already more than two million Syrian refugees. Will we Europeans continue looking at our navels? – Mental health in difficult times

by time news

The civil war suffered by Syria has already entered its third year of atrocities, causing the departure of more than two million refugees, according to United Nations data, although other sources double this number. A number of refugees greater than that of the wars in the former Yugoslavia and comparable to that of the Rwandan genocide of 1994.

However, in the current context, immersed as we are in a strong change in power relations in our society, the so-called crisis, there is a tendency to find ourselves absent from what is happening around us. Shocked by our problems, we are becoming insensitive to what does not affect us directly, although nothing in today’s world is alien to us, whether we like it or not, we live radically interrelated. There is an increasing tendency in our society to be absorbed in our local problems, to find ourselves mesmerized by the sight of our own navels. I think it is worth remembering that just a few years ago, in the face of the war in the former Yugoslavia, for example, a formidable solidarity network was launched in Europe.

The Syrian population is fleeing especially to neighboring countries, which are themselves immersed in very difficult situations. It must be borne in mind that Lebanon alone has one million two hundred thousand refugees, which already account for 25% of the population of the country of cedars. From this perspective, it is very important that Europe, one of the areas of the world with the highest standard of living, is sensitive to this reality and organizes a solid aid program for Syrian refugees. To such an extent the performance of Europe in the face of the war in Syria is contemptible that the tall
UN Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Gutierres, had to issue a strong appeal this week, urging the European Union to act now, reminding it of its international obligations
and pointing out that only Germany and Sweden are acting in solidarity with the refugees from this war.

It is not my intention in this text, nor do I have the knowledge to do so, to analyze in depth the causes and factors involved in this war, although no one is aware of the great importance of the perverse chess game of the interests of the great powers. , which takes the Syrian population hostage. It is also important to point out that there are populations affected by other wars that live in very difficult situations and that must also be taken into account.

Especially in the case of the Spanish, it would not be bad for us to remember that precisely if something has characterized our history it is exile: Jews, Moors, intellectuals, republicans… That is why it is important that now, despite our difficulties, in the To the extent of our possibilities, let us not lose at least empathy, sensitivity towards what is happening around us.

It is because of all this from this blog I call for an answer to this tremendous reality of the more than two million Syrian refugees. Because if we remain indifferent, insensitive, what greater triumph of the ideologies of predation and the exploitation of man by man than the confirmation of our growing dehumanization?

Correspondence: [email protected]

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