The attack in Jerusalem: the death of 8-year-old Asher Palai, whose brother was also murdered, was determined

by time news

The number of those killed in yesterday’s stampede attack in Jerusalem rose to three, after the death of the 8-year-old boy Asher Menachem Plai, whose brother Yaakov Israel, was also killed in the attack, was determined during the day (Saturday). The father’s condition is defined as moderate, while another brother has been released from the hospital. The condition of two other wounded is defined as light and moderate.

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The arrest of the family members of the terrorist who carried out the stampede attack in Jerusalem. Photo: Police spokeswoman

Shaari Zedek Hospital said: “The boy arrived in critical condition during CPR and many teams from the trauma unit, from the ER, pediatric intensive care, surgery and pediatric neurosurgery fought for many hours for his life, but unfortunately they had to pronounce him dead.”

Asher Menachem’s funeral was held tonight in Jerusalem. The funeral of his brother, Yaakov Israel, was held on Friday, before Shabbat, at the Mount HaManuchot cemetery in the city.

The arrest of the family of the terrorist who carried out the stampede attack in Jerusalem (photo: police spokesmen)

The arrest of the family of the terrorist who carried out the stampede attack in Jerusalem (photo: police spokesmen)

Following the arrest of the relatives and family members of the terrorist Hossein Karaka yesterday by the detectives of the Jerusalem Police and MGB fighters, earlier this evening two brothers of the terrorist, residents of A-Tor, in their twenties, were brought to the court for an extension of their detention. At the request of the police, their detention was extended by six days, until February 16.

So far, the police have released six of the ten detainees, including the terrorist’s parents, brothers and acquaintances, after clearing them of any suspicion of involvement or knowledge of his intention to carry out the attack. The police kept four of the detainees in custody, including, as mentioned, the terrorist’s brother.

It should be noted that during the investigation it emerged that the terrorist was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital until recently, and during the investigation his family members handed over to the investigators documents indicating a difficult mental state in which he had recently been. The investigation continues.

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