Crop Tour Argentina covers more than 3,000 km and sees intense losses,…

by time news

Break in both crops could get worse if rains are not confirmed in volume and frequency in the coming weeks. See the final summary of a week of visits to the country’s main producing regions.


Crop Tour Argentina covers more than 3,000 km and sees intense losses, mainly in soy and corn planted earlier

After more than three thousand kilometers traveled in the main producing regions of Argentina, the Crop Tour team from Grupo Labhoro and Notícias Agrícolas concluded the route to check the conditions of the 2022/23 soybean and corn crop. The verified losses were quite severe and the exceptions are quite rare.

“Excepting the province of Córdoba, which received higher levels of rainfall than Buenos Aires and Santa Fé, it is the best soybean”, explains Labhoro’s general director, Ginaldo Sousa, who points out that not even in Córdoba – where conditions were a little better – the situation is very different. “You cannot say that there are no losses, there are losses but they are smaller”.

Cordoba 3 - Argentina 2023 (15)Cordoba 3 - Argentina 2023 (14)Cordoba 3 - Argentina 2023 (18)Cordoba 3 - Argentina 2023 (3)Cordoba 3 - Argentina 2023 (6)Cordoba 3 - Argentina 2023 (7)Argentina Cordoba 2 - 06.02 (5)Argentina Cordoba 2 - 06.02 (2)Argentina 2023 - Cordoba 06.02.23 (15)Argentina 2023 - Cordoba 06.02.23 (19)Argentina 2023 - Cordoba 06.02.23 (2)Argentina 2023 - Cordoba 06.02.23 (1)Argentina 2023 - Cordoba 06.02.23 (4)Argentina 2023 - Cordoba 06.02.23 (3)Argentina 2023 - Cordoba 06.02.23 (6)Argentina 2023 - Cordoba 06.02.23 (5)Argentina 2023 - Cordoba 06.02.23 (7)Argentina 2023 - Cordoba 06.02.23 (8)Argentina 2023 - Cordoba 06.02.23 (10)Argentina 2023 - Cordoba 06.02.23 (9)Argentina 2023 - Cordoba 06.02.23 (11)Argentina 2023 - Cordoba 06.02.23 (12)Argentina 2023 - Cordoba 06.02.23 (13)Argentina 2023 - Cordoba 06.02.23 (14)

Soy and corn in the Córdoba region – Photos: Daniel Olivi

And he completes his analysis by stating that the rains forecast for the next few days – some of which could already reach Argentina between Sunday (12) and Monday (13) – need to be confirmed or the losses could be even more serious, leading to soy production. less than 40 million tons. During the week, the Bolsa de Cereales de Buenos Aires reduced its estimate to 38 million tons.

Buenos Aires 2 - Argentina 2023 (7)Buenos Aires 2 - Argentina 2023 (6)Buenos Aires 2 - Argentina 2023 (5)Buenos Aires 2 - Argentina 2023 (4)Buenos Aires 2 - Argentina 2023 (2)Buenos Aires - Argentina 2023 (18)Buenos Aires - Argentina 2023 (13)Buenos Aires - Argentina 2023 (11)Buenos Aires - Argentina 2023 (10)Buenos Aires - Argentina 2023 (9)Santa Fe - Argentina 2023 - 06.02.23 (1)Santa Fe - Argentina 2023 - 06.02.23 (5)Santa Fe - Argentina 2023 - 06.02.23 (6)Santa Fe - Argentina 2023 - 06.02.23 (3)Santa Fe - Argentina 2023 - 06.02.23 (4)Santa Fe - Argentina 2023 - 06.02.23 (2)Santa Fe - Argentina 06.02.23 (4)Santa Fe - Argentina 06.02.23 (3)Santa Fe - Argentina 06.02.23 (2)Santa Fe - Argentina 06.02.23 (1)Dry soil in Santa Fe - Argentina 2023Colonel Fraga (5)Santa Fe 23-05-23 (13)Santa Fe 23-05-23 (11)Santa Fe 23-05-23 (6)

Soy and corn in the provinces of Buneos Aires and Santa Fé – Photos: Daniel Olivi

With regard to maize, the worst results occur with the so-called ‘early maize’, generally sown between September and October. The crop went through even more adverse climatic conditions and the losses, in Sousa’s assessment, are at least 70%.

Photos: Daniel Olivi

“These are substantial breaks in the soybean crop, in corn, without a doubt, and now it is to be seen in the next few days, how the rains will behave, but we can say that the numbers already allow us to verify serious losses”, explains the agronomist Charles Anderson Wolmann. “And it can’t be rain with low volumes. The need for humidity here is 100, 130, 150 mm to try to recover part of the damage that has already been verified”.

Big Safra’s technical consultant, Paulo Veiga, also points out that it is possible to see that investments in soybean and corn crops this season were also lower in some areas – due to the current situation of the Argentine producer weakened by other factors besides the drought – and the results in the field also reflect this picture.

“We were very affectionate and very careful to try to report the average of what we observed in each place so that it is reliable information for the producer to make his decisions”, concluded Emerson Pscheidt, rural producer in Rio Negrinho/SC, who also accompanied the Crop Tour Argentina 2023.

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