Worries and occupations | The mail

by time news

Sunday, February 12, 2023, 02:03

It seems evident that in today’s turbulent times we have a severe discrepancy between our multiple occupations and our pressing concerns. What are we busy with? Well, you already know: to see who can do more and twist the opponent’s arm first in the hazardous reform of the judicial bodies that have been left tinged with partisanship for the remains. In settling between the stubborn arrogance of Minister Irene Montero or the electoral bloodletting that has caused her supine legal indigence. In calculating what causes more pain, if that of the victims of a law that, now after almost 500 accidents, is recognized as imperfect or the unusual arrogance of a gang of ignoramuses who play to govern without the necessary capacity, nor a minimum of accredited professionalism. In deciding if hunting dogs should be included in the protection of this legal device that the prodigious minister Belarra has devised or if they should be excluded, not because of a high animal awareness but because of the electoral cost that the measure would have, in communities with an electoral future uncertain, as are the two Castilian and the Extremaduran. In modifying in a semi-clandestine way the Celáa law that established, in an original way, the reduction of the requirement as a solution to the shame of the high level of school dropout that we maintain, just where what was necessary was to raise the level of effort and commitment of students and educators . In giving a painless way out of that thing as complex as the ‘trans law’. In going to Morocco –some ministers yes and others not–, to have the satrap on duty slap us with his insults, while former Algerian friends punish us for our slights. In short, if this grotesque coalition that we are suffering from is a government, can you imagine how much fun misgovernment would be?

We hang out with things like that, but what should we occupy ourselves with? perhaps in our real and true problems? There is a choice, since they are many in quantity and severe in severity. I will give you a summary, since you know them very well: We have almost three million unemployed. A level that doubles the average of the European Union, with a shameful impact on the youngest layers. A lacerating situation that has led us to the hole in Social Security now exceeding 100,000 million euros while we raise contributions, which damage employment, in the futile effort to compensate for the dangerous generosity of updating pensions. The number of companies registered with social security decreases – 2.49% last December – and darkens the future of employment. We accumulated 1,506 trillion in public debt, 17% of which matures this year with a cost that was light, but which is now growing with the danger of a distancing from the ECB’s protective umbrella that intends to reduce its balance sheet. A curiosity: we are the country that has borrowed the most during the crisis despite being the only one that has not recovered its level of GDP prior to the pandemic. We have subjacent inflation that triples the level of interest rates that have started a perverse upward race that complicates mortgage payments and affects the real estate market by reducing the supply of homes and increasing rental prices.

If this grotesque coalition that we are suffering from is a government, can you imagine how much fun misgovernment would be?

The Treasury has received more than 30,000 million extra euros because of –or thanks to– inflation, which is not an obstacle to the fact that the fiscal reliefs have been minuscule and the budget deficits grow and threaten to continue growing in the coming years. Meanwhile, the money promised by Brussels arrives with droppers, stuck in the administrative tangle that regulates its distribution and delays its necessary effects on the business fabric.

It is a pity that having all these real worries we entertain ourselves with all these unnecessary occupations. Don’t you agree?

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