-55% emissions by 2030

by time news

Agreement between the European Parliament and the EU Council on the climate law. During the night in Brussels, the negotiators closed the agreement in the trialogue, which gives priority to the reduction of climate-altering emissions in reaching the goal of reducing them by 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels, rather than removing them (they are captured ‘and stored for long periods of time). A higher volume of carbon sinks is also expected by 2030. For Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, “the climate law puts the EU on a green path for a generation. And our binding commitment. for our children and our grandchildren “.

A scientific advisory board composed of 15 scientists is also created, with a four-year mandate (no more than 2 per Member State) which will make proposals and monitor the effects of the ‘green’ adaptation process of the European economy. The Commission should then set another binding target for 2040, in addition to that of 2030, to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. The EU executive will also engage with economic sectors that choose to voluntarily draw up roadmaps to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

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