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Today it’s Sunday. A weekly day of rest, which we keep on Sunday, is a command and a gift from God. We dedicate this day especially to the service of God. In addition, Sunday for Christians is also a weekly echo of Easter Sunday, on which Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Reasons for us not to update our site today.

Tomorrow we would like to bring you up to date with the daily events, with backgrounds, comments and opinion articles. As you are used to from us.

Word on Sunday

Forgotten (3)

Psalm 77:20

“Your way was in the sea.”

Has God forgotten to be gracious? Asaf wonders. He looks for the answer in the history of Israel. And then understand that God cannot be calculated because His way is often in the sea. It was the same with the exodus from Egypt. God led the people across the Red Sea. But when they have arrived safely on the other bank, when they look back, they cannot find a way. The water had, as it were, washed away the footsteps of God.

Yet, says Asaph, God led His people like a flock. Until the Promised Land.

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