Via di Sotto is semi-deserted and Colle Innamorati bursts –

by time news The comings and goings are continuous. Although the road is quite narrow, in via Colle Innamorati cars come and go at high speed, ignoring the limit of 30 kilometers per hour. Vehicles are parked on the right and left of the road, even if it is forbidden. And the buses pass frequently, where transit is not hindered by the wild stop. Pedestrians keep narrow to the side of the road, as there is no sidewalk. This is what Via Colle Innamorati is on any day, at the point where the only three activities in the area are concentrated. Lately the transits have increased: many motorists, in fact, avoid the parallel via di Sotto because the speed camera near the Virgilio school has caused a rain of fines (and the deduction of points from the driving license) for those who have not respected the 30 km / h . The road has become “off limits” for many fearful, but among the few who travel it there is still someone who has not noticed the speed camera, judging by the speed.
In via Colle Innamorati «the movement has increased lately. But here the road has always been at high speed, ”he says Brunella Franceschini, from the Travaglini bakery, who lives and works here and sees «the motorbikes whiz by». Speaking of motorbikes, a road accident occurred Saturday evening, between a scooter and a car, and brought back «an old problem, which has always existed, and it is difficult to think of a solution. The only thing you can really do is drive using your head, ”says Franceschini. “Double entender is a mess, it’s dangerous and creates problems, that’s clear. But with the one-way street that was once established, there would be no more life here. For us it would be worse, we would suffer the consequences, on a commercial level. You could think of limiting the speed, but certainly not to place a speed camera here too, especially since there was a column but it didn’t work. Maybe you could think of a way to slow down the speed, ”he suggests from behind the counter.
From the Over Hill club Manuela D’Orazio e Sabatino Innocenti they witness the passage of cars and buses, forced to brake suddenly when the road narrows (also due to the presence of parked vehicles). «Here they park everywhere, even in front of the gates, and sometimes the buses have to wait several minutes before passing. They run, and how they run. And if someone passes by who is not from the area and does not know the way, they risk going to crash, because they suddenly cross paths with vehicles coming from the other direction. If you then go out of an alley, you risk being finished ».
The suggestions, in this point of, are those of a small village, quiet but very populous, «and besides, here we used to play football in the street», Innocenti recalls. But today everything has changed, “there are many more cars than once,” continues D’Orazio. «Maybe», they conclude, «with the one way down, things would be better and it would also be allowed to park. The side streets, on the other hand, could be used to go up ».
Leo Cecamore, of the Cecamore tobacconist, could talk endlessly about this road and what happens here. “But the fault is not the street. If those who drive go slowly, certain things don’t happen “, he says as he begins to serve a customer who arrived at the tobacconist’s with 5 penalties, all attributable to the speed camera in via di Sotto,” because a minimum of distraction is enough “, says the motorist dejected.
Cecamore sees quite a few customers parading to pay the fines in via di Sotto «and we have even reached 50, 60 penalties a day. Since there is a speed camera there, there is more movement in via Colle Innamorati. But on a road you can only go slowly “and the message is addressed in particular to those who pass by at night, because when the sun goes down” you run a lot “. In short, “everything is entrusted to the conscience of motorists, given that the road is what it is. Of course, you can think of the speed camera here too »and Cecamore hypothesized to place cameras, but more for safety purposes. Ennio Grugnale, one of his customers, comments that “30 kilometers per hour are too short, they are good for bicycles” and in fact no one respects the limit. «Here they go at least 50-60 kilometers per hour but it is dangerous, and it would take more checks, but with patrols. They have removed the column to detect the speed and the slow motion, the bumps, would ruin the cars ». In via Di Sotto, meanwhile, silence reigns. “The decline has been significant, today is like during the lockdown, and this is also reflected in our business,” they say Christian Marini e Claudio Di Giacomo from the workshop at number 97. «Our customers are frightened: two were sanctioned while they came here, one family got 16 fines, for 2,000 euros, and we too have happened. When they call us to make an appointment, we now remember the speed camera. But for us it doesn’t solve the problem because, once you pass that point, it speeds up again. It’s just a vexation ».

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