Pacheco says he supports the January 8 CPI; PT is against

by time news
Roque de Sá/Agência Senado – 02/01/23

Senator Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG) in a speech on the Senate floor

Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco said he supports the installation of a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) to investigate the events that occurred on January 8, 2023, when Bolsonarist protesters invaded the buildings of the Three Powers. The Planalto, however, is against the installation of the investigation in the Legislative, fearing that the CPI becomes a “political stage” and a source of misinformation. The government wants the accountability to continue to be made by the Federal Police and the Ministry of Justice.

The CPI proposal was filed by Senator Soraya Thronicke (União) and already has more than 31 signatures, above the threshold of 27, the minimum to request protocol.

“There is a determined fact, of magnitude and importance, and enough signatures. If the requirements are met, I have no alternative as president of the Senate but to read this request to make the commission viable”, said Pacheco in an interview with the newspaper O GLOBO which aired this Sunday (12).

“From then on, it is a political exercise of nominating members by blocks and parties. I have seen in several leaders the desire for the CPI to take place. It is absolutely legitimate that the federal government wants to suggest alternatives to the commission. It is a political construction that within of normality will be done in an opportune moment”, he added.

Pacheco also praised the federal government’s performance on the day of the coup acts, but stressed that there was an “evident huge failure” that allowed the events to take place.

“What is identified very quickly is a failure in the Federal District’s security system. If there were other failures, including that of the federal government, which eventually underestimated the scope of these manifestations, this must be investigated. It is important that we can correct the errors so that that from now on something similar does not happen. Brazilian democracy is standing, unshaken and firm.”

He blames former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) for not having had the ability to contain the radicalism of his supporters.

“This became a major national problem. It was a big mistake for Bolsonaro to argue about topics that were previously uncontroversial and leave aside real issues in the country. was indeed very wrong in Brazil.”

According to the president of the Senate, Brazil has become a “granary of disinformation”. He therefore supports the advancement of the fake news bill in order to hold funders and disseminators of fake news accountable. “It’s fundamental, and I very much hope that the House can take on the same responsibility that the Senate did.”

Pacheco was re-elected for Senate presidency last month by 49 votes, against 32 for his opponent, Bolsonarist Rogério Marinho. The Senate president said that after the election his intention is to minimize the polarization of the House in order to move forward with important projects such as the discussion on tax reform, the new fiscal framework, the Electoral Code and the update of the Civil Code.

He also listed his priorities ahead of the Senate for the next two years.

“The priority at the beginning of this year is the modification of the tax framework. We are going to deal with the establishment of a fiscal limit, announced by the government, and the repeal of the spending ceiling, establishing a new fiscal framework parameter. We are also going to take care of matters related to the environment such as combating the illegal deforestation of our forests and strengthening Brazil’s international relations so that the country’s image and credibility are recovered. We will also analyze all the important measures to contain inflation, reduce interest rates, increase employability and value our currency, providing stability and legal certainty.”

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