In Piazzapulita the Fanpage investigation on anti-Green pass groups. The man considered close to Forza Nuova: “Let’s kidnap a politician”

by time news

We kidnap a politician and keep him closed for months“. Thus expresses one of the participants in the demonstrations anti Green pass secretly recorded by reporters from Fanpage in the third episode of the investigation on the antagonist galaxy No Vax and No Green pass. The previous episodes of the investigation entitled I Superdiffusori si were focused on no vax doctors who expressed opinions against the vaccine in the demonstrations. In the third episode the investigation has instead moved to terrain of subversion linked to the environments of the Roman extreme right. Starting with a character who in a restaurant in Rome talks about “raising the level of confrontation” and “waging war on the state”.

The man is described by the voiceover as close to Forza Nuova and on the stage of a demonstration together with Roberto Fiore and Giuliano Castellino. “I’ll take any politician and take him down I won’t tell you where, months and months without eating, watchful waiting and fuck you,” he says. Hence, the investigation of Fanpage moves to the spiritual satanist folklore of various No Vax groups, as “alternative” channels through which conspiracy theories are formed. And among the “influencers” active on Telegram it is also told of a Polish model, this Vivien Mariol who follows the events of Forza Nuova with an ardor that goes far beyond vaccines.

Finally there is the fight against Fanpage itself, the source of information considered by groups to be the most dangerous. For this reason, the groups imagine demolishing the newspaper through an investigation “that must do harm”. But this is where they make a mistake: it is precisely the Fanpage insider (who obviously do not know how to be such) that they ask if he knows anyone in the newspaper to be able to speak ill of it. At the expense is one of the managers of ComeDonChisciotte, No Vax website, put in contact with a fake mole who shows him photographic documents, transfers and other documents where it is “discovered” that the Presidency of the Council would have made a transfer to Fanpage for speak well of vaccines, which the head of the site has photographed with Draghi and Von der Leyen and even that both Minister Speranza and Minister Lamorgese and General Figliuolo are from Potenza: therefore it is clear that there is a “power lobby” . All fake news that man takes the bait.

All three investigative services are gone broadcast on La7 during A clean sweep.

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