Breakwater named word of the year in Germany | Culture and Lifestyle in Germany and Europe | Dw

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The German Language Society (GfdS) in Wiesbaden has named the year 2021 “breakwater” (Wellenbrecher). The message about this was made public on Friday, December 3, on the organization’s website. This term refers to the coastal structure that protects the harbor, or the sharp nasal part of the vessel, but is now used in German and to refer to all measures taken to combat the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The answer to the question of how long it will appear in our vocabulary depends largely on whether society manages to contain the COVID-19 pandemic in the long term, according to a press release from GfdS.

Linguists highlighted solidarity with flood victims in Germany

The second place is given to a word with a special spelling SolidAHRität (solidarity), in the middle of which the letters A and R. are highlighted. Ar (German Ahr) – the name of a river in the West of Germany that overflowed its banks as a result of heavy rainfall that swept the region in July 2021, which led to a catastrophic flood. The intersection of the words Solidarität and the name of the river Ahr became the name of the action of solidarity for people affected by the natural disaster, but also symbolized the great willingness of fellow citizens to help, manifested in the form of donations and active support – including from those who live far beyond the victims of the disaster. region.

In third place is the word Pflexit, coined by analogy with Grexit, Brexit and Polexit. This term appeared in the lexicon of medical personnel during the covid pandemic and literally means voluntary dismissal from a nursing job (from German Pflege – “looking after”, “caring for someone” and English exit – “exit”) … During a pandemic, healthcare workers in hospitals and nursing homes around the world are having a hard time. The situation is not easy in Germany, where the fourth wave of the epidemic is being observed. Many nurses and nurses lose their nerves, and some even quit their jobs.

The linguistic symbol of 2020 was declared the term “Corona-Pandemie”, which denoted the main theme of both the past and the current year. In 2019, the word of the year was Respektrente, which can be translated by the phrase “pension in recognition of labor contribution”, and in 2018 – Heißzeit (“hell”).

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