“Lobby-imposed monoclonal antibodies”

by time news

“Monoclonal antibodies have been imposed on Italy by an interest lobby. In America they have not spread because they do not work”. So Andrea Crisanti, microbiologist of the University of Padua, in an interview with Famiglia Cristiana in the issue on newsstands from Thursday. To treat Covid 19, according to the microbiologist, it is necessary to focus on “anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants”.

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As for vaccines, “AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson are extremely safe vaccines. The numbers confirm: one in a million and a half thrombosis cases. The polio vaccine that got us out of a terrible situation was a serum that in one case in a million it became virulent and triggered the disease. The difference is that we all did it because there was only that. Today – continues Crisanti – it is fortunate to have several vaccines. And it is ethically correct to provide alternatives. It is a complex vaccination campaign, but not There are complications. What happened? The class at risk was identified and, according to this, the indication of the vaccine, now recommended for the over 60s, has changed. Precisely because there is an alternative. – he concludes – it will be the same for Sputnik and all viral vector vaccines “.

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