The need of ‘Peru’: not pink, revolution rally!

by time news

TheIn the US country of Peru, Pedro Castillo from the ‘Leftist Party’ named ‘Independent Peru’ won the last election in 2021. His victory was hailed by communist fanatics all over the world. Now the treacherous regime of Peru President Pedro and the coup against him have once again shown us the true face of the ‘Pink Tide’.

A ‘legitimate’ coup

During the 18 months Pedro Castillo became president, he and his government ministers were accused of corruption. The Peruvian Congress (Parliament) had decided to meet on December 7 to discuss the corruption complaint against President Pedro. This is not the first time Congress has taken such action against Petro; Earlier Congress had tried twice to impeach Petro on similar corruption charges. But his impeachment was delayed as he did not get a majority vote.

Appearing on television before Congress convened to retain power this time, Pedro made an emergency announcement that he would “dissolve Congress with an emergency law and hold new elections.”

This was an opportunity for the right-wing majority Congress, which was already waiting to topple Pedro’s regime. Using this to their advantage, the Congress accused Pedro Castillo of “conspiracy against the government” and removed him from the post of president and ordered his arrest and imprisonment. Also, a vote in Congress on the grounds of ‘permanent moral incompetence’ was 130 to 101 against Pedro.

Realizing that the situation was against him, Pedro tried to reach the embassy of Mexico and Argentina to defend himself and was arrested by his security officers. Pedro’s own cabinet members, including the vice president, not only the Peruvian military and police, stood in opposition to Pedro.

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After removing Pedro from the post of president, the Peruvian Congress thought that it could divert popular opposition by presenting it as a ‘legitimate’ coup d’état by installing Tina Poluarte, who was vice president in his government, as president. But the people, who were very angry with the Peruvian Congress, who took away the elected president and appointed a new president who was not elected by the people, shouted, “Free Pedro; Remove the new president. Congress should be dissolved; They have been protesting for more than two weeks in Peru’s capital Lima, Arequipa, Trujillo, etc.

Peruvian right-wing, American support for Poluarte

Within two hours of Pedro’s impeachment, Peru’s Congress installed vice president Tina Poluarte as president. Keiko Fujimori, a member of the right-wing “Popular Force” party who ran against Petro in the election, has expressed his full support for Poluarte’s call to form a coalition government to fight corruption and move the country forward.

The Organization of American States (OAS) has welcomed the inauguration of Tina Polwarte as president and her call for national unity. “Official support for democracy, peace, and rebuilding of institutions,” it said. This O.A.S. can be completed by specifying the need of the United States. Such support by the organization indicates that the United States supports the removal of Pedro and the appointment of Poluarte.

Pedro’s complexion paled

Although Pedro won the presidential election, the Peruvian Congress has a right-wing majority with 79 seats. Before the current coup, the Congress had tried to remove Pedro and his ministers from the post of president twice, after accusing him of corruption.

Anti-Pedro sentiment was growing within his own party while there was opposition in Peru’s Congress. Five Prime Ministers resigned during Pedro’s short term as President. Likewise, Tina Bolvarde, the current president, resigned from her post of additional minister after two weeks as Pedro appointed the prime minister she had rejected. When Pedro’s announcement of the dissolution of the Congress was made, Poluarte stood in total opposition.

Due to the disagreements in the cabinet and the right-wing and his own members who were bought as puppets of the United States, opposition grew and weakened in his cabinet, and Pedro was losing support among the people. The fact that he did not open his mouth about the election promises he made before coming to power became the main reason for losing the support of the people.

It was not long before Pedro’s veil was torn. When Petro’s first prime minister promised to nationalize the gas sector, President Petro denied “there is no such plan”. Second, when Prime Minister Myrta Vázquez announced that “privately owned gold and silver mines will be closed”, British private company Hochschild, which is engaged in mining in North and South American countries, lost 25 percent of its stock value.

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A few days after the announcement of the Prime Minister, “The government has no plan to close the mines; “Licences of mining companies run through legal channels will be extended,” he said, showing his imperial allegiance. He used this to temporarily maintain his rule. Prior to Petro’s announcement, Hochschild said the mines would “operate under safe environmental standards.”

Even under Pedro’s regime, the people who were suffering and suffering without any change in their livelihood gathered in the streets. Last year, 4 people were killed in protests that took place in the months of March-April.

Yes, the victory of the “Pink Wave” not only cannot eradicate privatization and fulfill election promises, but his actions and the people’s protests against it show that the “Pink” hero Pedro Castillo is not that honest.

Surrendered to America Survivalist Pedro

In general, it is unable to implement the policy and public welfare programs it has formulated within the existing government structure; The “Pink Wave” has seen many leaders killed by their enemies trying to implement their espoused principles. But Pedro’s name can never be included in such a list.

On the one hand, the growing popular protests against him. On the other side is the stagnant cabinet and the Peru Congress, which is watching like an eagle with American support to overthrow the regime. Trapped between these three knives, Pedro finally sought refuge in the United States to maintain his rule.

Last October, survivalist Pedro turned to the US-based panchayat organization OAS to help him counter the growing threat of a coup against him and protect democracy. When the OAS sought to retain power, the OAS, which sent its high-level delegation to Peru to study the political situation, washed Pedro’s hands by saying in its report that Peru’s democratic institutions were at risk and instability made it difficult to govern Peru and intervene in urgent matters.

Since then, the deadlocked Pedro has dissolved Congress and called for snap elections, the latest move to save his rule.

President Pedro, who succeeded in turning the sufferings of the people and the anti-imperialism among the people into votes by presenting attractive slogans, implemented privatization policies and surrendered to American imperialism, is blatant survivalism and green betrayal.

Thousands of people are now protesting against his coup d’etat and Pedro’s imprisonment in the streets. More than 34 innocent people have been killed. Many people were hit by pellet guns and injured. The reason for this is the burning anti-imperialism among the people – manifestations of the democratic spirit.

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The expectation of the people is that the sufferings experienced under the rule of the right wing that ruled them will not change at least in the rule of Pedro. Although Pedro betrayed that expectation of the people, the imperialist grassroots right was not ready to arrest Pedro, the expression of the popular protests. This Pedro is not close to this faith of the people.

That is why the government was overthrown after Pedro surrendered to the US. The intention of the American supremacy is not even to say that it will “abolish privatization and make it state-owned”.

The reason why Peru’s right-wing parties and the United States have supported Tina Polwarte is to legitimize her coup d’état and turn the government into her puppet. This is the best way to replace Polwarte and make his supporters president if not needed. The fact that the Peruvian Congress has announced that it will shorten the term of office of the president until 2026 and hold elections in 2024 is to mitigate the intensity of the growing popular protest against the appointment of a new president.

Therefore, to mobilize the anti-imperialist people on the revolutionary path outside the Ippoli Pink Path, building a people-based revolutionary party is an urgent need not only for the people of Peru but also for the people of the South American countries who are bound by the illusion of the ‘pink wave’.


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