transport and industry on strike Thursday at the call of the CGT

by time news

A hardening of the conflict is still in the minds of the unions, but has not yet materialized. LOIC VENANCE / AFP

On the sidelines of the fifth day of mobilization on February 16, the unions are exploring other avenues of action to intensify the balance of power against the government.

The CGT on Monday called on railway workers, dockers, electricians, gas workers, chemical and glass workers to strike on Thursday, on the occasion of the 5th day of national mobilization against pension reform. “The CGT national federations of ports and docks, railway workers, chemical industries, glass and ceramics and energy mines call for 24 hours of work stoppage for the day of strike and interprofessional mobilization of February 16, 2023“Said the federations concerned in a joint press release on Monday.

A hardening of the conflict is still in the minds of the unions, but has not yet materialized. The five federations specify that they “are looking for» encore «together the conditions for raising and widening the balance of power, in particular through the renewable strike“. They once again point the fingeran unjust and unjustified reform», and in particular the postponement of the legal age of departure from 62 to 64 years.

The federations also emphasize the consequences for women, whose careers are cut short, for young people whose years of study are not counted for the calculation of retirement and worn-out workers, who would not have compensation for the hardship suffered. “On February 16, all together on strike and in the streets to participate in interprofessional demonstrations to win the withdrawal of the pension reform“, conclude the signatories.

TO HAVE ALSO – Pension reform: “The main thing is to keep in touch” with the unions, says Olivier Dussopt

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