Leclerc, Carrefour… Which brands have taken the lead?

by time news

ANTI-INFLATION BASKET. The government should launch the anti-inflation basket system in early March 2023. However, some supermarkets have taken the lead.

[Mis à jour le 13 février 2023 à 09h04] The anti-inflation basket will come into effect from March 2023. In collaboration with large retailers, the government wishes to provide French people with a selection of low-cost products to fight against galloping inflation, in particular in the food sector. But then, what will this basket contain? About 50 products including five fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, and hygiene products. The customer can decide to choose one, several, or all of the items in this basket. Distributors will be required to clearly display these baskets in-store, as well as on their website. And for some of them, no question of waiting. Leclerc, Carrefour and even System U have already set up their own system. Except that for the last of them, everything does not seem to be in place yet. Indeed, the Système U brand has been offering an anti-inflation basket of 150 products “at cost price” since February 1, which obviously did not appeal to the UFC-Que-Choisir, the leading consumer association in France. The organization points the finger at the quality of the products offered: “we have counted 17 rated E and 31 rated D, i.e. 39% whose nutritional rating is mediocre to bad. For the others, 28% are A, 10% are B and 14% are C.” On the other hand, several organic products are part of the list. The association also regrets that “all of this offer” is not “always available” in stores. A perfectible device, therefore, but which remains the first introduced on the market.

The government has not yet determined a precise list of the products that will make up this anti-inflation basket. The list should correspond to the needs of a family with children including five fruits and vegetables with three organic, two starchy foods, red or white meat including one labeled, fish, and dental hygiene products. However, this basket will not contain alcohol or any confectionery. Here are the 5 main families of products that will constitute the anti-inflation basket proposed by the government:

  • Hygiene products
  • Fresh products
  • Frozen products
  • Grocery store
  • Cleanliness

All consumers, without distinction, should have access to this anti-inflation basket. It should not be conditional on the level of income.

“It is not up to the government to set the references. And if the prices are low, it is not on the backs of our farmers or our producers that these margins must be found” explained Olivia Grégoire on Europe 1. Clearly, each sign will be free to draw up its list.

The sign U-system has already launched its own anti-inflation basket, with 150 products at cost price, from February 1, 2023. This indefinite duration scheme concerns 150 products such as flour, pasta, mayonnaise, oil , coffee, honey, tuna, yogurts, milk, sandwich bread and other burgers. Exclusively private label products.

For its part, the Carrefour brand has launched the “anti-inflation challenge”, 30 essential products for less than 30 euros. At Leclerc, an “anti-inflation shield” has been introduced. “Because inflation continues to take an important place in our lives, we have decided to strengthen our anti-inflation shield and extend it to more than 230 everyday products” can we read on the official website of the brand .

The massive rise in the price of raw materials affecting the cost of food for all French people has prompted the government to act. According to the research company IRIfood prices rose by 13.85% in January 2023 compared to the same period in 2022. An unbearable situation for many low-income households, combined with soaring fuel and electricity prices. De facto, the executive wishes to protect the purchasing power of households thanks to this new device.

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