Threat level 3 for MK Rotman: the security around him and around his house will be increased

by time news

On the order of the Knesset officer and according to the police’s estimates – as of last night, security was increased around the chairman of the Knesset’s Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, Simcha Rotman, one of the leaders of the reform in the judicial system.

Rothman, who leads the discussions in which the articles of the reform are formulated in the committee he chairs, receives quite a few protests from the opponents of the reform and it turns out that according to the security officials authorized for this – there is also a fear that there will be a desire to harm him. The threat level for Rothman has risen to 3, which is considered high, since the progress in the reform legislation stages.

As of last night, Rotman travels in a secure car accompanied by a guard, for public events he is accompanied by a close guard and there is also a guard around his house. The security for Rotman also continues inside the Knesset, a security guard stood behind him while he conducted a discussion in the committee, a discussion that became the scene of a protest, when Knesset member Yorai Lahav-Hertzano jumped over the table in the committee room and approached MK Rotman with threatening gestures.

The Chairman of the Religious Zionist Party Bezalel Smotrich wrote on Twitter in response to the commotion in the committee that “negotiations are important and we will do everything to promote them, but unfortunately the opposition proves time and time again that it does not turn to negotiations but to violent and unacceptable forces. I would like to strengthen the members of the Chairman of the Constitution Committee, Simcha Rothman, who does not give in to violence and conducts the committee’s deliberations professionally and matter-of-factly.”

Rothman is not the only one who became a personal target of the protest. This morning some protesters arrived at the entrance of the home of the Minister of Development of the Negev and the Galilee Yitzhak Waserlauf in Tel Aviv and blocked the entrance to the house. At first the police allowed the move for about an hour and let the protesters express their anger in this way, but after an hour they were asked to move and allow the minister’s family to leave the house. Some of the protesters accepted the request and others refused, two of them were arrested and put in a car.

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