France-Soir rehabilitates the hyphen in its name

by time news

EDITO – Dear readers, we are delighted to announce that we have restored the hyphen in our – your! – newspaper, “France-Soir”, giving it back the original character it once had.

Why this decision?

Our choice to rehabilitate this hyphen is motivated by our commitment to you, our readers, contributors and donors, which allow us to offer you quality information every day, faithful to the Munich Charter.

As a participatory and collaborative media, on our humble scale, we wish to act as a link between the French and information. This hyphen is not pronounced, but it embodies the symbolism of our commitment to keep you informed.

The days of mainstream media are over; they no longer demonstrate objectivity both in the selection and in the processing of information. We are convinced that true information can only be achieved through the active participation of all stakeholders, privileging debate, the exchange of opinions, freedom of expression and the exposure of facts from all possible angles. . This ideal is the one to which we aspire at France-Soir.

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